A Little Grand Adventure

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Just a bit of utter adorableness as all the companions spend a bit of time with the daughter of Cullen and the Inquisitor. At the fifth year anniversary of closing the Breach, all of the old gang gathers together but they find themselves with a new mission - entertaining a three year old with her father's looks and her mother's ornery streak. May the Maker have mercy on them all.


Her pudgy fingers gripped tight to the soldier's greaves. Sounds of triumphant laughter echoed down the scrubbed streets, shredded banners floating in the wind. But she didn't care for any of the revelry across Val Royeaux, her eyes were focused only on the woman in the center of a mass of armed guards. Despite her being covered in strange clothing, like she threw on a bed sheet to scare people as a ghost, Lila recognized the scowling face below the gigantic hat. Pressing deeper into the ring of men until the soldier coughed, she asked, "May I see Cathandra?"

The guard shook his head, unmoved by her plea, "Divine Victoria is preoccupied at the moment."

Lila stepped back trying to stare up at the man's face, but it was masked off by a gate of metal. Helmets were no strange sight for the girl. Her father even had a small portrait done of her as a baby curled up inside one fast asleep. It was pulled out every Satinalia for guests to coo over. "I don't want to see Divine, just Cathandra."

Sighing, the guard answered, "Cathandra, I mean Cassandra is Divine Victoria."

"Oh," Lila accepted the uninteresting news, peering through the gapes between the soldiers. Cassandra paced back and forth with some other women in funny outfits but slightly shorter hats. The Divine was too caught up in her heated discussions to notice the small girl waving to her.

After a moment, Lila asked, "Is she done now?"

"No," the guard said, sliding his leg wider to cut off her view.

Lila stepped back again, still squinting to see if the face through the bars was familiar. Exasperated, she pawed at her blonde curls just unruly enough to turn her adorableness dangerous. Normally, her hair combined with her massive amber eyes could get her whatever she wanted but this man seemed as unmovable as stone - or her Mummy.

"Can I see her now?" Lila wasn't about to give up. It was a trait that exasperated and didn't surprise anyone that knew her parents.

The guard finally broke from his stance. Dropping to a knee, he eyed down her wholesome face, "Young lady, the Divine is very busy with important matters and won't have any time for you."

Lila nodded solemnly at his words The guard began to rise at her seeming acceptance, but that gave her the perfect chance to dash past his now open side. He twisted to nab her, but she was too quick, her thin body slipping out of his grasp and her stubby legs paddling towards the woman in the massive white robes.

"Get back here!" the guard shouted, but Lila was too close to her target now.

"Cathandra!" she shouted, throwing her arms wide around the chantry skirts.

"What is --" Cassandra started, before turning to spy the little girl clinging to her leg. The blond curls twisted away as Lila looked up, her smile stretching from cheek to cheek.

"Found you!" Lila shouted as if they'd been playing a game.

"So you have," Cassandra chuckled. Despite being surrounded by grand clerics, she dipped down to scoop the child into her arms. Lila knotted her hands around Cassandra's neck, hugging her face tight. "Oof, you grow larger every time I see you." Lila laughed at that, her fingers sliding down the sides of the Divine's hat and leaving chocolate stains in their wake. "Soon you'll be large enough for your own set of armor. Have you begun combat training?"

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