Chapter 7

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Jesus is on my side today!

Aiden and I. PARTNERS! I just sit there shocked. The whole room gets quite, I could hear some whispers towards the back of the classroom. Scratch that all around the class room.

"She's paired with him.."
"Poor Liz"
"I wish I was paired with her"
"Why did it have to be the nerd"

I block it all out.

Breathe Liz breathe

I turn my head back and glance up and was met with those eyes. He had his mouth open a little. I'm guessing from the shock. He looks to be deep in thought. I turn back around.

I couldn't quite figure out if this was good news or not. Yes I am partners with my crush, but what if I do something stupid? what if he doesn't like me? Or if this ruins everything..

Yet what would it ruin. If nothing has even begun.I'm being dramatic once again. I just need to go with the flow. It's only two weeks.

Just two weeks.


I arrive to my 6th period.

Math. Kill me.

I was deep in thought. Thinking about this whole project thing I wasn't even paying attention to the teacher.


What should I wear?


Straight hair or curly hair..

"Elizabeth Rivers!"


The class laughs. I laugh too, and try to play it off.

"Sorry Mrs I just was thinking about.. The up coming pep rally." I say. "It's gonna be a lot of fun" with that there's some cheering and "yeah"s

She nods her head.

"Well I just thought you'd like to know that you're being checked out."

"Checked out?" I haven't been checked out of school since my freshman year, but I drove to school. Why would my mother come pick me up. "Oh ok" I grab my stuff and exit the class.

I reach the office and open the doors I look around and smell the scent of a cinnamon apple candle. The office lady gets up and goes to the back to print something.

All of a sudden two huge arms wrap around me and lift me up. I Yelp.

What the hell!?

I turn around ready to punch this fucker when I'm met with familiar chocolate brown eyes.


"Oh my god! Jack!"

I jump into my brothers arms. I've missed this wild child. He hugs me back.

"Hey lizzy fizzy!" I giggle as he says my old nick name. "Come on we're leavin this place."

"But jack I drove here." I laugh. "How am I-"

"Tell Ash to drive your car home." He smiles. "I just couldn't wait until you got out of school."

I dial Ashley's number. After the second ring she picks up. "um you do know I'm in class right?" Ashley's voice responds and I laugh.

"yeah well come to the office it's an emergency."

I hang up and in a matter of 2 minutes Ashely opens the office doors.

"Ok what is the big- jack.."

"Ashley." Jack smiles.

Ashley runs up to him and tackles him in a hug.

"Hey look you grew a little." He chuckles.

"Oh shut up" she laughs. Then turns to me "wait is going on," she laughs and looks at me for an explanation.

"I need you to drive my car home after school, jack decided to come pick me up but didn't think it all through"

"I forgot ok!" He holds his hands up in surrender.

Ash laughs "alright ill drive it to your place. Good to see you're back Jack." Then she grabs my keys and heads out the office.


"So how's college tell me everything!"

He takes a sip of his milkshake. "It's good. I like my classes. My roommate is pretty cool and yeah it's been a blast. I've gone to a couple parties and stuff but I'm trying to be a good child and focus on my school work."

I laugh "sureee, because you Jack Rivers is in any way the good child." He chuckles "but anyways what about any girlfriends?" I ask

He laughs. "Na not yet. There has been some girls, but they're all so.." he trails off.

"The same" I finish.

"Yeah like they just all are the same. I don't know how to describe it." I nod my head. I finish my milkshake and then put it in the sink.

"does mom know you're here?" I ask.

He walks to put his dish away too. "She called me and told me about the promotion so I thought I'd surprise her."  He opens the fridge. "Dang y'all really went healthy after I left."

I laugh "that's all mom. Trust me my stash of junk food is in my room."

"So how's your school? How's dance?"

I think for a second. Should I tell him about Aiden.. "School is fine. The usual as for dance. We're having a pep rally Friday and we've been learning the steps and moves and all that good stuff for it, but yeah it's gonna be fun."

He smiles "so how's Ashley?" He walks over to the window. "She does seem taller doesn't she?"

I laugh. "She's her usual crazy self, and I think she grew a few inches-" we hear a car park outside. "hmm I guess that's her now"

She walks through the door "ok 1st of all I really want my car back. I miss driving."

"You don't have your car?" Jack asks "what'd you do this time?"

"Nothing!.." But before she can finish I cut her off.

"She ran into a stop sign" I say while laughing, it never gets old.

Jack just stands there before laughing so hard he's rolling on the floor, I join in and five minutes later we're holding our stomachs and trying to catch our breaths.

"Let me finish!" Ash says. "I saw a kitty on the road and I was almost going to hit it. So I turned and didn't realize there was a stop sign there.."

Jack chuckles "how long?"

"Two months! grounded for two months!" She crossed her arms over her chest.

When her parents found out her mom was just glad she was ok but her dad. Yikes. Let's just say he loved that car more then Ashley loved it, and that's saying something.

Suddenly we are interrupted by a car door closing.

"Moms home! Quick hide!"

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