Chapter 14

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chapter 24 - Louis

The stiffness that overtook Harry's body was visible as the words left my lips, what I thought would be a simple question. He seemed unfazed by our close proximity, not even looking the nearest afraid of getting burned. Instead he seemed punctured by the mere sentence I pondered aloud, his eyes darkening just the slightest as he gazed ahead of him. I almost feared I had pissed him off.

I watched closely, regretting the words as soon as I saw his features fall, eyes now softening. His jaw clenched as he sucked his lower lip between his teeth, chewing feverishly as if nervous to speak any further. But I was patient, waiting for him to muster the courage to continue. I was more than relieved that he was finally opening up to me after weeks of being shut away. Maybe this odd relationship we have could possibly go a little further, although I highly doubt it. But a boy can dream, right?

After what felt like an eternity, Harry sucked in a sharp breath, giving me a small smile as he met my gaze. "She was a very powerful woman, Louis. Strong, down to earth, not even one weakness in sight. That necklace," He paused, shaking his head as he leaned forwards, pulling his knees up and resting his elbows on them as he held his head in his hands. "That necklace holds all of her power. Before she died, she wanted it stored away safely. Marcus can't get the magic because of his  evil bloodline, and I can't get it either. But I promised her I'd keep it tucked away from the rest of the world, even Jessie. And I failed to do that." Harry pinched his bottom lip between his forefinger and thumb, his eyebrows knitting together.

"I tried keeping it from him but he took it away, Lou. That's why I am so desperate to find him. Not only did he kill my mum, but he took the one thing from me she promised I'd always have. That was the only bit of her I had left, and now it's fucking gone."

Suddenly, he shot to his feet, heaving both hands through his hair furiously as he glared down at me, but I knew (more like hoped) his anger was not directed towards me. So I let him rant, giving him the opportunity to vent all of the things he's bottled up for so long.

"I promised her I'd keep that fucking necklace away from that bastard, Louis. And he fucking took it. He snatched it right out of my hands and if he, if he gets the right person he can steal it. He can steal every bit of magic my mum kept from him for so long. Do you know what will happen then, Louis? Do you?"

I swallowed, watching as he knelt down to where our faces were a mere inches apart. His eyes were enraged, the vein in his neck bulging.

"He's going to destroy this world more than it already is, Louis. That's what's going to happen," He snapped before plopping back down into the grass beside me.

Silence engulfed us, the tension in the air that radiated from Harry's irate state slowing fading away as we continued to sit there. His words tauntingly revolved in my mind, making a mess out of my already disoriented thoughts. It's funny how weeks ago I was cooped up in a basement getting the shit beat out of me, and now here I am, sitting with a killer and facing a psychopathic killer. Life has a hysterical way, doesn't it?

Hesitantly, I glanced over at Harry, his hard features still evident as he nibbled on his bottom lip, avoiding eye contact. A small sigh, nearly inaudible, left my lips as I fought the urge to place my hands on his.

"Are you better now?" I asked quietly, knowing it must have been a relief to get that off of his chest.

To my surprise, Harry chuckled as a smile stretched over his plump lips, his emeralds now sparkling as he turned to meet my gaze. "Most people would have ran away screaming after seeing me that frustrated, and here you are asking me if I feel better?" Harry rose an eyebrow, his smile growing as he shook his head in disbelief. "You are truly something else, Louis. And I gotta admit, I really like that about you."

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