The Story of a Man

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In the book, The Science of Getting Rich, a story of a poor man was told. It was said that when he wanted something, he strives hard to be able to buy those things. He was able to achieve his goals because he planned ahead and he had strong faith in himself. He didn't give up easily. The lesson taught in this story according to the book was that with larger faith and a big picture of what one plans to achieve then that person will be able to get greater things in the future (Wattles 31-32). Just like this guy in the story above, everyone needs to have a clear and vivid picture of what they want to do in their lives or also known as goals. People need to know what their goals in life are. The strong will and faith will help one to push and go chase after greater dreams and goals like being rich. Nothing is impossible if one always believes and has faith that he or she can achieve them. Being optimistic is also important in life because without it, everyone will probably say that their dreams and goals are impossible and they would not be encouraged to think of plans to achieve those dreams and goals.

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