#7: The Fight (Part 1)

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"Come on," Move said, pulling me down the hallway. "You've put this off long enough."  It was my sixth day in the TLS, and I'd been refusing to train, learn how to fight or basically do anything.   We entered the training room, the double door slamming shut behind us. Arya sat on the hardwood floor, in yoga pants and a tank top, black hair pulled back.

  "There you are," she said brightly, tying her shoes."You ready?" 

I rubbed my eyes. "What're we doing?" 

Move took hold of my shoulders and shoved me gently forwards. "I told you that fighting was essential to surviving here. Even if you're not a Time Leaper." The calculating look he gave me made me wonder if he knew what I planned to do. And then it was gone.

"Okay," he said, clapping his hands. "You're going to take on Arya first. Go to Donna to change into the proper clothes." He pointed to a blond in the corner of the room waving her arms. I walked over to her nervously. She pulled me in a tight embrace like we'd known each other forever. I was reminded of Arya's words on how informal the TLS was.

"Time Leapers don't wear armor when fighting because it slows us down, so don't worry about that." Donna said in an airy voice. She led me into a room that branched off from the training grounds. Armor, gloves, and other articles of clothing were hung or folded. The TLS was a pretty organized bunch.

  She glanced at my clothes critically. I was still wearing my uniform shirt from my prep school, but had changed my skirt to a pair of jeans. "You can't fight in that," she said disapprovingly. Donna rummaged through clothes in a bin and pulled out shorts and a black tank top.  "Put these on," she thrust the clothes in my hand.  

I awkwardly looked around. "Where do I change?" 

She muffled her laugh. "Ditch the modesty. No one in the TLS has time for that." 


"I don't care if you're not a Time Leaper," she said, reading my thoughts. "Just do it." 


When we went back into the training room, I was surprised at the number of people gathered at the sidelines. Time Leapers filled the sides of the room, shouting encouragements. Well that's what I hoped they were doing. Dr.Taichi stood against a wall, arms crossed.

Move walked up to me. "They're all hear to watch the newbie against The Winged Titan. That's what Arya's known as here, being incredibly fast and the most ruthless female Time Leaper we have."  I stared at Arya across the room. She stretched her arms, catching my eye and then innocently waving at me. I waved back, smiling weakly.

She seemed so sweet. Was she really as deadly as Move said?  Move followed my gaze. "I've known her pretty much all my life. She won't go easy on you. So don't count on her kindness to win this."

Donna handed me a scrunchie and I began to pull my hair up."I thought this was just practice."  Move nodded. "It is. But we Time Leapers are prideful. Even losing in a practice run hurts out egos." Donna rung a shrill bell, startling me.

  "Okay," Move said, slowly walking away from me. "Don't go easy, because she won't. And I know this is your first time, but that's no excuse not to try. Never let your guard down. She will take that moment, and she'll have won. Stay calm, and don't lose your temper. The first person to fall or surrender loses. Good luck." He sat next to Brent, gray eyes intently watching me.   Good luck? Was he cheering me on? Even though Arya had been his partner for so long? The thought of that cheered me up, and soon my nervousness began to vanish.

It sprung back up again when I stood on the mats in the middle of the room. Arya stood at the other end, her smile a little too gleeful.

I glanced at the wooden swords behind me on a cart. Wood could still hurt a lot, maybe not kill but this would hurt. The cheers of the TLS filled my ears. They were actually enjoying this. They knew who'd win. They just wanted to see me learn my place. I didn't belong here if I wasn't a Time Leaper. They all thought I was just some miserable girl from the streets with no home. I clenched my fists. Why weren't they all here for Jaden and Michael's fight? I guess seeing a newcomer get beat up was just more fun.  

I glanced at Move, who was still staring at me. He wasn't cheering for Arya like the rest of the crowd, instead he flashed me a thumbs up. I smiled nervously at him, at least someone had faith in me.   I directed my attention back to Arya, who had a wooden sword in hand. She switched it between hands expertly, until it was so fast it became a blur. I took one too from the cart beside me. My hands shook and I fumbled, dropping the sword.

Laughter filled my ears, as my face became hot. Arya too, struggled to keep a straight face.   Anger boiled inside me as I picked it up and gripped it tightly. They really had no faith in me. There wasn't a shred of doubt in their minds that Arya would win. I looked at Move, once more, who still had a straight face. He nodded. And I knew it was time to begin.  

Donna stepped in the middle of the fighting space. "OKAY!" Her voice boomed across the room.   "Today's a practice match between our female warrior, The Winged Titan."  Cheers filled the room, and Arya bowed. What was this? Wrestling?

"And the newcomer, Revy!"  No one said a word. I squeezed the sword tighter, certain I'd have red marks later on. "Now let's begin," Donna finished, looking at me sympathetically.  

I took one last look at Move to give me some kind of encouragement, gulped in air and focused back on my opponent.  Arya smiled at me, but one different than her normal kind smile.   She intended on winning. And suddenly, so did I.

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