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Have you ever had that one best friend that you would always be with? That it was almost impossible to get the two of you separated? But the question is, is or was your bestfriend of the opposite gender?

Well guys my name is Evangeline, to answer all those questions in order is yes I did, yup it was, and well my bestfriend was of the opposite gender he's a boy. We have been inseparable since birth. Literally. May sound weird I know but our parents are super close friends so that meant a lot of play dates, we were both born on the same day, same hospital, but no, not same room although when we were both in the incubator thing my parents told me that the I was sick so Aaron’s mother requested that us both to be in the same one, it took a lot of persuading but the doctors eventually gave in and I got better.

Also have you ever seen a movie or read a book of two best friends thinking "watch they are going to be best friends forever' or 'Yup they are so totally going to end up together'. That's what Aaron and I thought too but apparently those kinds of endings only happen in books.

It all started 13 years ago when we were both five years old....

*flash back*

"I can't believe you are really leaving, we were suppose  to be together forever." little Aaron said to me while both our parents were saying their last goodbyes.

"I know but we could still be bestest of friends" I replied giving him a huge bone crushing hug. Hoping it would lighten up the mood a bit.

"Yeah but..." cutting him off by putting my little hand over his mouth, I continue so I could stop any negative thoughts.

"Aaron, no buts..." he giggles causing me to do the same

"Hehe you said butts" rolling my eyes at him I try push him, but him being a tad bit bigger made me stumble a bit.

"We are best friends forever remember. I won’t forget you, so you no forget me. Pinky promise" after our little exchange we give each other our last hug before my parents called me saying it's time to go.

"Wait! Eva, I promise that we will always be best friends and I promise we will get married when we are bigger just like our mommies and daddies did." smiling I turn back around to face  him. I smile giving him a kiss on the cheek and hugs him. He grabs my hand and puts a plastic sparkly ring on my finger.

"What's this?" I asked and look around to see the parents looking at us both in awl.

"My promise to you. I have one too see" he said showing me the identical ring as my own. “now we will be together even with you not being here”

“I love you Aaron, you’re the best.”

“I love you too Eva”

 "okay you two I think it’s time for Evangeline  to leave with her mommy and daddy, she has a long journey ahead of her. Bye sweetie we'll miss you." Mrs. Bennett (Aaron's mom) said giving me kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, squirt don't forget us." Aaron’s dad said giving me a hug. I laughed, and went back to my parents. My dad sat me in my car seat, and we were off. I turned around in my seat to see the Bennett family slowly disappearing more and more the farther we went. That day I would never forget 1) because it was very emotional 2) I thought I would see them again soon but I didn't until thirteen years later...


Short chapter, I know but next one will be longer I promise because well short chapters are so overrated lol :P 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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