Chapter thirty two

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To all the people who waited a long time for this update, I'm sorry.

To all the people who kept on my ass and told me to update twenty-four seven, who was there for me when I needed them, and to all who  wrote on my message board asking about this story, thank you!

All in all, it took awhile and I apologize to each and every one of you! But I am back and I plan to finish this story this week!

Oh and sorry for any grammar mistakes! :p

Much love, Nickymb <3


“Tell me everything.”

 I pull my legs up to my chest and rest my chin on my knee as Mia eagerly waits on the other end of her bed, grey eyes bright with wanting. Sighing, I wrap a piece of my hair around my finger and recount the last twenty-four hours to her in the least detailed way I could.

 I run over what my mother said, the bitterness in my voice startling me. I should have known better than to expect her to call, I knew she wouldn’t, but I couldn’t help but hope that she would. She was my mother after all.

 I recite the events leading up to Julio and I taking that next step and when Mia squealed, asking me for the juicy details, I quickly averted the conversation to Julio’s dad.

 There was no way in hell I was going to tell her about that. Plus, when Kayla asked her about Aiden’s and her’s first time, the only thing Mia supplied us with was a faint blush and a quick ‘Shut up’. So yeah, she was getting nothing from me.

 When I mention Julio’s dad, Mia instantly goes still. “You met him?” She whispers a little wistfully. I realize that Aiden must of shared with Mia Julio’s past. Letting out my breath, I drop my piece of hair and lean my head against the headboard of her bed.

 “Mia you should have seen Julio. It looked like he seen a ghost.”

 “I imagine,” Mia says, adjusting her body so that she was leaning next to me on her bed. “Aiden told me about how Julio use to be pretty messed up when his father went to jail. According to Aiden, there use to not been a sober bone in his body.”

 I close my eyes, sadness coiling it’s way around my heart. “Mia, what if my mother was right? What if Julio can’t change?” My breath comes out a little shaky, my mind running through a whole bunch of scenarios.

“I know this feeling Mia. The thing that scares me is that I never felt it this intensely. All I want to do is go back to Julio’s and hurt that man as much as he hurt Julio. And that doesn’t make sense.”

Mia scoots closer to me, her arm wrapping around my shoulder. She clicks her tongue, her voice dropping to a low whisper.

 “That’s the thing about falling in love with someone Kelsey. All you want to do is help them when you know deep down they need to help themselves,” I open my eyes and turn toward Mia and she smiles.

 “Do you know how many times I try to fight Aiden’s battles for him? Do you know how many times I actually do?” I laugh softly,pushing my legs out. Mia shakes her head, a smile spreading across her face.

 “This thing with Julio, it will work out. You just have to trust and have faith in him. While sometimes what you think might not be the best thing for him, might actually be the one thing that is. And that, Kelsey, is the hardest thing when it comes to love. Accepting that not everything is going to be perfect. You are going to fight, you are going hate each other at times, hell, sometimes you might even question everything. But at the end of the day, you know more than anything, that the faith and love you have for the person you want to be your forever is way more important than the bad.”

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