chapter thirty five

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Chris and I watch as Dan leaves. It'll be good for him to move around a bit and take a shower before coming back. I wasn't lying when I said we didn't mind helping out in any way we could.

Phil has drifted back off to sleep, so now it is just Chris and I sitting next to each other in the hard, plastic chairs. I'm not sure why they don't make the chairs more comfortable if they know a lot of people will be occupying them during visiting hours. Actually, maybe that's why they are so uncomfortable, they are probably cheaper.

I look over at Chris and tap him on the arm. "Hey," I say. "Do you want anything? I'm going to go use the toilet and I can bring something back for you if you'd like," I tell him. I keep my voice soft in order to not disturb Phil.

"I'll be alright," Chris says. I shrug at him.

"Okay, your loss." I walk out and shut the door quietly behind me. I'm not entirely sure where the toilets are, so I walk back to Nikole's desk to ask. She is reading a book when I walk up to the desk.

"What are you reading there?" I ask her. Her head snaps up, as though she feels guilty about being caught reading while on the clock. She smiles when she sees it's just me.

"I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," she tells me.

"Exciting," I say back to her. "I am a fellow potterhead myself," I tell her. "I was even sorted into Ravenclaw over on Pottermore, before the website changed," I add.

"I'm on Pottermore too!" Nikole says excitedly. "I was sorted into Hufflepuff." She smiles at me. "I was probably sorted there because I love to help people as much as I can."

"Speaking of help," I say to segway back to the reason I came over here in the first place. "I was wondering if you could tell me where the restrooms are?" I ask her.

"Sure thing," she replies. She puts her bookmark in her book and closes it gently before telling me where to go. "Just down this corridor here," she points, "and then take a left at the end, and the men's room will be the first door on your right."

"Thanks very much," I tell her.

"Of course, my pleasure," she responds. I give a small nod and then turn and walk off in the direction she pointed me in.  

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