His father's chess piece

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Chapter 1

Being in charge meant being responsible. Leading a group meant making sacrifices. Being in charge called for order. Being a leader required you to leave your selfish soul.

Especially when it needed something that was out of reach. Especially the world he lived in. Yamaken Fortelli looked around his office contemplating.

It was too quiet. He had wanted quiet but not this kind. The kind that called for thinking. It was just a few short months after his father stepped down from his position. Making him the Don of all Dons. Leader of them all.

Looking down at the file in his hands Yamaken scanned it briefly. He already knew what it was asking. Permission for a visit from the Don in Russia. He knew what the Don wanted; it was what all the others wanted.

To see if his father was right to step down so young. Casually tossing the file onto the desk Yamaken kept one eye on his door. At 59, his father was far from senile. Who knew the true reasons for the old man to hand everything off to a 29 year old Yamaken and indulge in the luxury of early retirement.

His father had a reason for everything. He had a crafty way of predicting outcomes and people. He only made moves if they were beneficial to them or the family. No matter how evil it may be considered to be.

A creak from the opening door made Yamaken reach for his gun under the desk. But it was force of habit. He already knew who it was. Puffy brown hair peeped around the corner of the door. Not in hesitation but to see whether or not he was occupied.

Yamaken steeled himself before looking into the eyes of Mikasa Aleksandrov, his bodyguard. One not in the position by choice but another movement by his father.

“What is it?” He asked her as she strode in her dark eyes blank. Whether with pain or indifference he did not know.

Maybe a mixture of both. All of it would be his fault anyway. His world was a dark one, where he made decisions everyday to keep the family and all those supported by it up and running. It was a weight he was not sure he was ready for. How could his father think he could shoulder this on his own?

“You will have a visitor in a bit. It is the girl. Miss Novara.” Mikasa answered him eyeing the folder on the desk. “If you have your answer for that I can just pass it along.”

“You can call her Clarice, Mikasa.” Yamaken sighed propping his feet on the desk. Not because he needed to but because he loved seeing the look on her face when he did such things. The look that said she considered him to be the worst sort of slacking playboy.

He preferred that look. It was better than the others she looked at him with. Mikasa eyed his shoes on the desk and her mouth tightened.

“Can’t you have any sort of respect for those that will have to clean that?”

“Ah ah ah. Mikasa, have you forgotten the only people allowed in here is you, a few more of my bodyguards and whatever guest I permit in here? No maids pardon you of course.”

“Exactly what I mean.” Mikasa said stalking forward until she faced the desk. She reached out to push his feet off the desk but halfway she paused just a bit before continuing the motion.

“You take the small bit of fun out of my day.” Yamaken sighed. Looking at her from under his lids, he regretted that she felt that moment of worry before she could push his feet off his desk.

She was his bodyguard and companion but not by choice. 23 years ago, his world had shattered hers, her father unable to pay his debt had allowed all of them to be captured. From what he had heard, himself Mikasa’s father had no way to pay them back, which lead to the only other possible solution.

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