Chapter 1 - Ladylike

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A/N: So I said I would and here it is! I was toying with a few plot lines and in the end narrowed it down to this :) I really hope you like it and please leave a vote if you enjoyed :) Thank you so so much if you're willing to read this.


Sun beams danced through the small square window of the carriage, as the large round wheels rolled in a bumpy fashion over the misshapen country roads. You sighed heavily as you watched the green fields filled with animals roll by, finding your breathing considerably restricted in the cage of a corset you had one.

"Sit up straight." your mother barked like some kind of snappy dog, as you looked at her with the typical 19 year old sulky expression, as she rolled her eyes.  "(name) don't look at me like that. You're the one who did this, not me." Your (eye colour) eyes rolled in a tiresome fashion, as you shook your head softly. How was acting how you wanted to act, pursuing what you wanted to pursue- some kind of wrong doing? Just because you didn't want to become one of those hoity little shells of women who tottered around in their ridiculous little stuffy shoes and big ball gowns.

No, you were much more into your inventing- fixing. You loved to go around the manor house at home, opening the little wooden latch on the back of all the Grandfather clocks and fiddling about with the cogs, watching them click into place with each passing second, perfectly in balance and filled with precision. There was something about mending, creating and fixing things that just clicked with you. There was nothing that delighted you more than taking apart an old pocket watch to see how all of the pieces fitted together, laying each part out neatly on the table so you could take a look at each intricate component.

Yet still- this was seen to be some horrific obsession by your mother, and she wanted it beaten out of you. So, on a bitter, rainy Sunday morning you were informed by your parents that you were to be travelling to London, to be staying with your Uncle Aleck.  You'd never even bloody heard of this 'Uncle Aleck'- how had he never been mentioned before in the 19 years of your existence on the planet? You could not get your head around it.

Voices raising, tempers brewing and tears flowing - you firmly pressed you would not be going- and you wished to just live in peace with the hobby you enjoyed, to no avail. Cases packed, farewells said, and you were bundled into a carriage in your finest pastel pink skirts, (hair colour) hair rolled into loose curls that tumbled down your back, your body clawing for oxygen in the stupidly tight corset your maid forced you into early that morning.

After a few hours of exiting the warming Kent countryside- the black and blue horse drawn carriage came to a halt outside of the small local station, the horse whinnying softly and pawing at the ground impatiently as the driver helped lug your bags down from the holder and started his ascent to the platform.

"Be good for your uncle, no being a pest. Do as you're told-" your mother rambled, dusting off your shoulders as she went on. You had to roll your eyes again, you hated it when she treated you like a silly little girl.

"I'm 19. I know how to behave." you persisted, as she kissed your cheek briefly you turned to face the station. It was pretty enough, unbeknownst to you at that time, but it was nothing like the thick bodied hustle and bustle of London.

The station master's office was a chalk white colour, a cutting of honeysuckle scaling the side of the wall and entwining partially through the snowy white picket fence. Taking a deep breath, you stepped up to the platform in your white pearl buttoned kid boots, heels clicking softly against the concentrate as you went and stood present to your bags. It was an odd feeling indeed, the sweet morning air and the scent of honeysuckle filled your lungs- and for once you really savoured it- it was the sweetest scent that brought back pleasant memories of lazy summer days spent lolling about new the brook, playing with childhood friends.

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