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In the land there were many beings. As a tiny dragonfly rested on a leaf beside the pond, the lilacs in the field were rustled by the breeze that blew through. The trees of old gave life as they were created to do, producing air to the living. Predators swarmed and preyed on the weak for food while the beings of most high on the Earth lay in peace. These beings, also known as Maegie, were beings that wielded their own unique power. They were different from the common animal and differentiated in unique species.

Mankind were a constant spearhead in existence. There were two types that co-existed with one another. Some born of a royal bloodline, and those that were not. The Royals were said to be different because of their close links to the Maegie. The humans born without Royal blood only had ties to the animals. The Maegie depicted the ones with special blood by following them and obeying.

The Royals ruled the masses with their kingdoms and rules. These rules helped keep the people in line. As long as the people obeyed, there was peace within the kingdoms.

As the land was explored, Royals made their own different kingdoms and countries. Wars were fought in the name of power, and alliances were forged between neighboring kingdoms.

Time went on. It never stopped for anyone.

That was until time stopped for them. They arose from the ashes of darkness and war, and soon corrupted the land. The Immortals were beings resembling humans, but held Maegie power. They were unstoppable to human forces, and even to that of Royals. The darkness and malice surrounding the Immortals made their image to appear as Demons.

Their agenda was unknown, and all it wrought was destruction of kingdoms. Lives were stolen away, and no one knew how to stop them.

Balance began teetering away into darkness.

When all hope seemed lost, a light struck down from the heavens. The guardians of all mankind and the Maegie surfaced in the physical realm: the Angels. The celestial messengers brought forth hopeful news from the most high being over all creation. Within those found noble and just, a light would be manifested to fight the darkness. The light was born from a person's soul, and became their true power.

With this, the humans were able to make the Immortals flee. The pillaged land they stole became their dwelling place for centuries to come.

But, this is not the end of the story.

For in the land of Atriartch, an evil has been made. It grows in tandems; like vines it crawls and spreads, hoping to take over the light that claimed victory over it.

Like a beacon for the coming Demons, the Immortals rose again. They rose with a new mission, and their darkness spread to cover the light.

It was during this time that a messenger was summoned once again to bring forth a new hope. Only the Creator knew the plan for the future, and of who would play an important role in leading this new future.

Who is this messenger, you may ask? Well, she's smaller than you think.


Hey all! Thank you for reading this. This idea is one I had years ago in my teenage years of writing. I haven't gotten to write in it, but the contest inspired me to start! Since this is my first time writing it, I know later there will be room for improvement. If you happen to have any ideas to help me do so, then please by all means comment down below! And God bless!

More to come soon!

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