Chapter four

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Pandora Mech

Chapter Four

Peeler blew out a large exhale as he watched the last gamer leave the meeting and began packing up his briefcase. 

Titus, who had stayed behind asked, "So, how do you think you did?" 

Peeler raised his eyebrows.  "You tell me, big shot.  You know these kids more than I do."

"I think you got a dozen or so interested.  However, most of them have to convince a parent or two to let them leave with you for three months.  That might thin your numbers."

"Maybe,” he shrugged.  But they'll be talking to parents who let them come halfway across the country to tournaments.  It may not be that big of a leap."

"Yeah, well, despite what most of these kids are willing to admit - a lot of their parents come along."

Peeler snapped his briefcase closed.  "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, then."  He looked at Titus and crossed his arms.  "What about you Titus?  Did I convince you?"

Titus nodded, which grew into a grin, "Hell yeah.  That's some of the coolest tech I've seen in a long time.  I want to be in on it for sure.  Not to mention the money.  I could use that kind of money, you know."

Peeler grabbed his jacket.  "That's good to hear.  I don't want to say I was counting on you, but we need you on this project—especially your leadership."

"Well, I'm glad we can help each other out."  Titus clasped Peelers hand and patted him on the back.  "Wanna grab a beer?"

"Can't, I need to get back to Thorpeco and prepare for you guys."

"When can I expect to hear from you?"

"By next week I'll be emailing out updated information.  Keep an eye on your in box."

"I will.  When do you think we'll get our hands on these uh, URG things?"

"URGWS—Unmanned Remote Ground Warfare Systems," Peeler corrected.  "But, around the office we call them Mech’s—just don’t let Thorpe hear you say that.  And, I'm going to work my ass off to get you guys down by the end of the month."

Titus nodded,  "Alright, see you then."

Peeler hefted up a duffel bag and glanced at his watch.  "Shit.  I gotta go.”


Teak felt jittery inside, a mix of nervous anticipation of the unknown, and a vague fear of traveling alone.  She regretted the argument she had had with her cousin Pepe the day before when he had tried to talk her out of coming along.  She had told him, quite bluntly, to butt out—she could make up her own damn mind, when he went ballistic and demanded that he come along.  It was the worst fight they had ever had and she knew she’d been too hard on him, telling him to stop being her daddy, she could handle herself and to stay home.  She remembered his big eyes glistening and him saying in a subdued voice, “Well, if you’re daddy isn’t going to pay attention to you, somebody else is.  Guys that shouldn’t be anywhere in your life is going to try and fill that void—might as well be family.”

He knew her well enough that the mention of her father had the potential of crushing her confidence.  Normally, it would propel her back into realizing how much she relied on Pepe and her aunt, how much they had done for her, taking care of her these past three since her mother’s death and her dad’s emotional shut-down, busying himself with his trucking job and spending whatever he managed to earn on drink.

Normally, mentioning her dad would have been like a sharp slap across her face, forcing her back in reality.  Not this time, though.  It just pissed her off. 

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