Seven-the meet up

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" So your telling me nothing happened" Paticia insisted as she sipped her coffee and placed it back on the table. We sat at the little coffee shop by the college catching up " Nothing happened" " You said you passed out though are you sure?"

I wasnt sure but I didnt feel violated when I woke up.

~ Once Miles left I cleaned the house and hopped in the shower thru on some blue sweat pants and a black long sleeve, since the heat was acting funny I had to dress warm not it my normal ware shorts and a tang top. I popped in a t.v. dinner because I havent gone groceries shopping and headed to my room. Once I got all situated I gatherd my books and texted Destin my address and apartment number.

About twenty minutes later the bell rang, I left the comfort of my bed to go see who it was, but I already knew and let him in. " Nice place" he said while looking around my apartment " It cold ass fuck in here though." I just rolled my eye " The heat is busted it works when it wants, come in my room I got a space heater".

He followed me to my room and set his bag on the floor. I motioned twords the office desk I had in the room and he went to sit at it. We took out our books and got to work on the thesis paper of how to go about opening your own business.

It was a comfortable silence, until he started to get restless. " You good why do you keep figeding?" He closed his book giving me his full attention and I did the same, " I got ADD we can work on this later look see." He said pointong to the paper " Were almost done, lest just chill a little and have some fun. you got Netflix?" I gave him smirk and nodded my head yes.

"I got some hard cider in the fridge go grab four" he quickly jumpe up with a big smile and dashed to the kitchen. It took him some time, to come back and I wonder what he was doing, " Open your pockets you better not have taken anything." I said going in his pockets.

"Chill girl I didn't. I had a hard time finding cups" I looked at him oddly, we could have just drank out the bottles but whatever. I notied mine was a little more bubbley then his but thought nothing of it. I sipped it as he watched me and he took a sip of his.

We talked about our plans after college, family, friends, what we did for fun and other stuff. I started to feel sleepy, I told him I was going to go to bed and Id text him later. He insited on cleaning up the cups and food we had out and I agreed while I got in my bed. Five seconds later I was out, and woke up a day later with Miles banging on my door. ~

" Hello gyul" I looked at her still feeling tired and in deep thought about what the fuck could have happened. "Yeah though Im sure, Miles told me I should see a doctor to see if he put somthing in my drink, but Miles over think thing's at times" She shook her head in annoyance like she wanted to slap me.

" And people call me dizzy, duh bitch he did, go get checked out and press charges, you said Chance hit you up? Maybe he's linked to him."

This had me thinking again , things were looking up before I got friendly with Destin. " Who knows Ill have to keep an eye on him" "Won't we all." Patricia added.

Glancing at my phone I saw the text from Josh. "Look ma I gotta jet... What?" she was giving me that look.

"I wish you would stop playin with these boys that just wana fuck, Miles is waiting to make love to you. He's gana move on and your going to regret it." she said wagging a fresh manicured nail at me.

Not waiting to entertain her little comment I just waved bye and headed to my beat up car. I lied, I was headed to go meet with Chance at his place. My heart was racing and I felt myself getting nervous. I had my pepper spray ready to use if need be.

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