Don't Let Me Go - [Larry one shot]

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Harry found himself in the bathroom of a Miami hotel room with a razor to his wrist. Making three thin slices across his marked skin, he let out a long shaky breath.

Don't let me go.

On the counter was his phone which presented a four minute recording of him singing his feelings for Louis. He clicked play and stared at his feet, quietly singing along.

Don't let me go.

He let out another breath before running a hand through his hair. Looking into the mirror, he only saw a pathetic waste of a human.

Don't let me go.

He could end it all now, just by cutting a little bit deeper. He could be gone from this world that hated him so much. It was that simple.

Don't let me go.

So he did.

Don't let me go.

After making many deep cuts, he laid himself down in the bathtub and waited for his life to drain from him. "I'm sorry Louis." He whispered, feeling his lips go numb.

Don't let me go.


Louis found him not much longer after that, after coming home from a date.

"Harry? Harry are you in the bathroom? I need to wee, mate come on open up!" He shouted, banging a fist on the door. He frowned when he got no reply.

"Harry, if you don't open this door I'm going to get the key. Are you decent?" again no reply. Louis sighed and walked over to grab the key from the drawer they kept in the hallway outside the bathroom.

"Alright Harry, I'm coming in!" He shouted, turning the key and opening the door. The first thing he saw was Harry's phone unlocked and lit up on the counter displaying a video that had ended and had the replay option available. Raising his eyebrows, he turned to look for Harry.

He opened the curtain that separated the sink area from the toilet and shower, and looked around for his best friend. Eyes stopping at the bathtub, he sucked a sharp breath in.

Screaming as loud as his lungs would allow, he ran over to Harry and kneeled against the tub. "HARRY!? HARRY CAN YOU HEAR ME? OH MY GOD HARRY. OH GOD. OH GOD HARRY." He grabbed Harry's wrists and tried to stop the bleeding there, holding them tightly between his own hands.

Louis held a finger to his neck, cursing how bad he was shaking. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called for an ambulance.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"M-my friend, he--he's bleeding real bad and unconscious. There-there's cuts, on his wrists and I--"

"Sir I need you to tell me. Does he have a pulse?"

"I am not sure, I'm shaking too bad to tell. Please, miss, send an ambulance. It's urgent."

"I will now sir; I need the name of you and your friend, please."

"L-Louis Tomlinson. My friend is Harry Styles."

Louis heard a short intake of breath; obviously the woman recognized those names.

"An ambulance is on its way sir, best of luck to you and your friend."


Louis sat alone in the hotel room on his bed with Harry's phone in his hands. He clicked the unlock button and saw a picture of himself as Harry's lockscreen. Sucking in a sharp breath, he shakily typed in what he knew was Harry's four-digit passcode.

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