
131 3 5

Alright! I haven't been on in months (other than to read) I have also not read or responded to any messages..... I'm really sorry, please understand I have been busy with a bunch. For example, Getting a puppy (which includes constant training as well as the biggest amount of attention in the world), as well as struggling with my own mental state.

So, because  I have more than one request for each cover, I will hold a contest. If you want any of these available covers left,
And #32,
You will have to fill out this form and send it to me:

Cover number:
Story title:
Story plot:
Why this cover is important to you:

Then I will decide who ends up with the cover.
Please be patient and don't be difficult, I'm really struggling right now.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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