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Might as well turn this into a short story?

"Guys j-just god .. just get the fuck out of here"

Leo glared

"Raphael hamato, we are not leaving till you explain what's going on"

Donatello nodded from behind him

Raph lifted his head up, his face was a mixture of fear and anger, topped by wet tears slithering down his cheeks

Was Raph crying?

Leo's anger immediately died down and he placed a comforting hand on raph's shoulder

"Raph. . . . I'm not sure what exactly happened to upset you this much but I promise we'll fix it, we always do, so please please tell me-" he turned to donnie's sad face "-us what's wrong and is mikey"

"You guys don't understand" he whispered

"You haven't seen his face. Oh god this is so messed up, guys.... I c-can't say it, I wish I could say it but I-i just can't find the right words to say what happened...." he bowed his head

Leo and donnie met eyes for a split second then donnie went to wander around the room.

Both were beyond confused now though they were more worried to be honest

"It's okay Raph" Leo rubbed his shell gently

Raph flinched away

"No Leo.... its not okay..."

Figures Raph would ruin a brotherly moment

Leo sighed, whatever happened must of messed Raph up pretty good

"Can you mime what happened?" Leo muttered. Raph thought for a moment but then turned white and shook his head

Leo rubbed his forehead, this was seriously getting confusing....

" Raph I-

"GUYS!" don's voice yelled out

"GUYS! o-oh my- mikey- he-he-" donnies voice sounded strained and distressed, his voice was cracking and shivering

It sounded awful

"Mi- Leo! Turn on the lights! Now!"

His voice was now demanding and angry but still scratchy

"Alright" Leo said simply

He for a moment left raph's cowering side and flipped on the light switch

The light bulb beebed and bobbed in flickers of light before setting down and filling the room with a warm glow.

His eyes immediately started searching the room for donnie whe-

Oh fuck....

A/n - that's all for now my lovlies! Please vote and comment, bye!

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