Chapter One - Return to Hogwarts

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Hello all!

I am aware that Ron and Harry do not return to Hogwarts to finish their seventh year, but I didn't want to send Hermione back alone, so they're coming along! And I am also aware that Lavender is dead after the Battle of Hogwarts, but she's coming along as well!

All characters (except one or two), locations and spells belong to the wonderfully talented J.K. Rowling. I admire her greatly. 

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Chapter One - Return to Hogwarts

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley sat in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express, avoiding each other's gazes, awkwardness hanging around them. They had broken off their relationship over the summer, choosing not to ruin their friendship over it, but that didn't eliminate the awkwardness of it all.

Harry Potter hurried into the compartment and slammed the door shut behind him. He was shaking his right hand with great force. He walked over to Hermione, holding it out. She looked at his hand, then up at him a look of confusion on her face.

"Curse it off." he instructed seriously. "I don't want to sign one more bloody autograph!"

"Harry, what did you expect after the Battle of Hogwarts? Everyone would forget it ever happened?" Hermione sighed wearily. "Our lives will never be the same again."

"Bloody hell they won't." Ron commented. "I envy you Harry; I would kill to be on a Chocolate Frog card." He unwrapped the one in his hand and waved the card in the air, showing off an eighteen year old boy with messy black hair and emerald green eyes. "See? Another Harry Potter; I've got at least twenty of you already, mate."

"Oh, Hermione, I've been meaning to ask you." Harry said, sitting down next to Ron as the train started moving. "Did you become Head Girl?"

Hermione nodded slowly.

"I've always wanted to be Head Girl, and I'm thrilled, really, but it doesn't have the same meaning anymore. Two years ago, I would have done anything for this badge-" Hermione fished in her pocket and took out a gleaming silver badge. "But today, I would gladly trade ten of them for Tonks, Lupin or Fred back."

Ron stiffened across the compartment at the mention of his brother's death, but didn't say anything as he continued to chew his Chocolate Frog.

"I know what you mean." Harry said truthfully.

"Are either of you Head Boy?" Hermione inquired. It suddenly hit her how little they had talked about Hogwarts over the summer, as if they were avoiding the topic entirely, which in some ways they had been. Hogwarts brought back memories of the Battle, and always would.

Both Ron and Harry shook their heads.

"I wonder who did-" Ron began, but was interrupted by the compartment door sliding open. Professor McGonagall stood in the doorway, smiling weakly down at them all. She was one of the only teachers that had tought Harry, Ron and Hermione during their entire lives.

"Miss Granger, since you are Head Girl, it is important that you speak with Draco Malfoy before your arrival at Hogwarts." she said, her eyes falling on Hermione.

"Draco Malfoy?" Hermione echoed, her brow furrowing. "Why?"

"Because Draco Malfoy is Head Boy."

Ron started coughing on his second Chocolate Frog.

"But, Professor," Harry said as politely as possible under the shock he had just faced. "Draco Malfoy used to be a Death Eater; he tried to assassinate Dumbledore."

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