James Sirius Potter x Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

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   Of course he didn't. That was exactly what James would've answered when he was 11 and asked if he had a crush on Albus's 8 year old friend, Scorpius.

  However, now James was 16 and he was staring at the Third-year Ravenclaw.

  Everything about Scorpius seemed angelic. His platinum blonde hair shimmered in the morning sunlight, his pale skin would put Snow White to shame, and his silver eyes glistened with a child-like joy.

"James. James? James!" Rose Weasley, James's best friend, screamed.

"Hmmm?" He asked, peering over his glasses to get a clearer view of the Malfoy.

Rose sighed and glared at him, "Stop fawning over him and ask him to the Yule Ball!"

  James turned around so quickly that he nearly knocked over the potion they were working on. "What?!" He hissed.

"Ask. Him. Out." Rose said in slow words. "Before your sister does. She fancies him too, you know."

  James groaned, "Lily too? That sucks and how the bloody hell do I ask him out? It'll most likely be me all like 'Oi, Scorpius, wanna go to the Yule Ball?' And then he'll be like, 'Oh, sorry.
I'm working on my studies and also I'm not into men.'"

  Rose started packing and looked at him. "Pretty sure that Malfoy Jr heard his name and studies." She said, pointing to the row Scorpius sat in, who was staring at the two.

  James paled and waved awkwardly. Scorpius smiled a small smile and waved back.

  "Now, make your move!" Rose said, shoving him in Scorpius's direction.

  James glared at her, took a deep breath, and turned to Scorpius. "D-" he was cut off from asking when Scorpius laughed. "Yes, I'd like to go with you."


"I heard you from here, you were kinda loud."

"Oh. Wait, you said yes?"


"As in, Yes you'll go out with me?"



"Yes! Now stop asking or I'll take it back!"

James shut his mouth and smiled, "W-wow. Alright. See you then!" He called as he ran out the room.

"Indeed I will!" Was Scorpius's response.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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