Quiet Country

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It was a cold November morning. The sun had just rose and Ann had made a fresh pot of coffee. The smell filled the small house almost immediately. She smiled and sang her way around to the sink, which sat only a feet behind her. She adored her small, country home. It was a one bedroom, and the only thing she could really afford in the small town. Ann had just gotten her a job at a loan company after moving out of her parents home. She tried her best not to bug them about helping her with her finances, but they helped with a down payment and also small home decors. Her mother was overly excited for her. The small house sat on the side of dirt road, away from the town. It was quiet and peaceful. Her neighbors were about a half of mile down the dirt road. Barely any traffic came by, which made her mother nervous because if she needed immediate help no one was there, but made her father happy because no creeps could stop on the side of the road and bother his only daughter.

Ann took out a pan and placed it on the old stove that was still inside in the house. The oven door was crooked and only stayed up with a piece of plywood, but Ann was grateful for everything. As she reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a cartoon of eggs and a handful of vegetables. She prided herself on eating healthy and exercising. She was the image of fitness. Living in the country mean she could take her morning run with no interruption. Once she ate, she would take a thirty minute run, not her usual hour. She slept a little later than usual this morning. A door slammed shut behind her. She jumped and turned to face her reason for sleeping so late this morning.

"You scared the shit out of me." Ann held her heart.

"Sorry baby. You should let me fix that door." Her boyfriend David said as he walked up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her soft lips. He smiled down at her.

"No. No. No." Ann shook her head and laughed. She knew that smile David had on his face.

"I did not say anything." David acted innocent.

"You did not have to." Ann said and turned back towards the stove. David moved to the side of her and begin to chop up the tomato, green pepper, and avacado Ann removed from the refrigerator. They both worked in the small kitchen like music. Moments later Ann placed two plate of vegetable omelets in front of them. David added sour cream, salsa, and fresh chopped onion on top of his. Ann scrunched up her face in disgust. He laughed to himself. They ate quietly mostly, occasionally asking each other a question or two about their schedule for the day.

"So." David said, wiping his mouth with a paper towel.

"So what?" Ann asked after taking a drink of her grapefruit juice.

"We still have not discussed this Thanksgiving dinner arrangements." David grabbed his plate and Ann's as well. He placed them in the sink of soapy warm water. He waited for Ann to respond as he washed their plates. She did not. He turned to her but she was by the front door grabbing her coat. He walked past the small dining table they ate from and towards her. He crossed his arms and stared at her. She finally looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Davy." She said. He put his hand up and turned from her.

"You know what, I don't get it." He stopped and faced her again. "We been together over a year now and your family know nothing about me. They don't even know I am moving in." He said. Ann walked up to him. She placed her hands on his arms and looked into his blue eyes. She loved David. Not only was he smart, athletic, funny, and charming, he was extremely handsome. Most women would love a man like David, to brag about, and she had him but she was hiding him. David was a country, Mexican man, with striking features of Johnny Depp. David was a loving man, a family oriented man. But he had a bad past. She knew her family would judge him because of that. Her mother and father would never want their daughter to be with an ex con with a record of distributing and theft. Her father would do a complete search on him and if he found that out, it would be bad.

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