File: Relaxation

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Clint turned around to see Percy walking up to him. The agent's hands were in his pockets and his head was slightly tilted to the side. "What is it?"

"I just.." He ran a hand through his hair. "Wanted to apologize for being better than you." He mouth formed a grin and Clint's eye twitched. "It's in my blood."

"Jackson! I'm going to kill you!"


"Now that we're all here and not trying to kill eachother," Steve said holding an annoyed Clint and a lollipop eating Percy by their shirts. "I believe we should have a team building exercise."

"Oh, man." Percy shook his head. "You lost me on the word team because I'm pretty sure that involves poop stain over here and that's a no-no for me."

Tony smirked and Bruce covered his mouth to stifle his giggles. Natasha said nothing but her eyes held a trace of amusement.

"Poop stain?! You want to go?!" Clint tried to make a grab for Percy's throat but the agent suddenly dropped out of Steve's grip and onto the ground.

"Whoa! Someone's on their time of the month!"

Steve rolled his eyes. "Please, Percy. Just try this out. Okay?"

"Fiine. What are we doing? 'Cause I want to color...and make cookies."

"Well, we can do both of those and watch a movie if that's okay with everyone." Steve decided.

"What kind of cookies?" Clint asked finally let down by Steve.

Perhaps this was a moment that showed they were comrades because Percy just looked at him with a small smile. "Any kind you want."



Steve was in his room gathering supplies, so that his team could draw, when he heard a large boom.

"Steve!" Tony called from the kitchen sounding more confused than distressed.

"JARVIS, is there anything wrong downstairs?" Steve wondered heading down.

"No, it appears that something went...haywire, Captain Rodgers."

"I see." Steve went passed the living room. "I'm sure it's not that - what the heck.."

"I'm don't understand!" Tony wailed gripping his hair before spotting Steve. "Steve! What went wrong? We followed every step perfectly!"


"It's true, sir."

"Wait," Percy sat on the counter next to the oven and peered at it. "It's looks like it runs on a form of electricity."

'Déjà vu moment.' Steve thought. "Urn..I think so."

"It does. " Tony confirmed.

"Oh, then let me sit in the kitchen and then you can try again." The demigod hopped off the counter and made his way to the door. "You better follow the instructions or you'll have two master assassins after you and one of them is not Widow."

Steve gulped but Tony simply rolled his eyes and shooed him away. "Yeah, yeah. It's not my fault you can't bake."

Percy answered by jumping in a vent probably looking for Clint to annoy.


"It is perfect!" Tony announced holding up a tray of chocolate chip cookies with the chips still melting.

"I smell cookies." Clint swung out of a vent followed by Percy. "Are they done?"

"We just have to wait for the others." Steve nodded looking through the window of the oven.

"Okay." Percy stayed by the door and looked at the cookies in Tony's hand with a sense of longing. "I'll be in the living room." He stretched, yawning, and walked out just as Bruce and Natasha came in.

"Did he just.." Bruce pointed at the agent's retreating back.

"Yawn?" Natasha supplied.


"Of course he did." Tony said while grabbing another tray out. "He is human...partially. He can yawn."

"Well, yeah but he never does around us." Steve added.

"Oh, yeah.. Hey, Jay, when was the last time Percy went to sleep?"

"Approximately forty eight hours ago, sir."

Clint shook his head, "He's just as bad as you, Iron Ass."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just put these cookies on a plate and go to the living room."



Tony smiled gently as he walked in. Percy was curled up on one of the long couches with his right arm hanging off and his left on his stomach. "Looks like he's finally comfortable now."

Tony sat down next to the agent's head and reached for a chocolate chip cookie. He nearly gasped when a hand took it from him and a weight was on his lap. He looked down to see Percy staring at him innocently, crumbs on the side of his mouth, with his head on his lap.

"Really?" Tony laughed and used his thumb to clean the crumbs from the agent's mouth. "You could have just asked."

Clint and Natasha watched the interaction from the love seat, Natasha sitting and Clint at the top. "Looks like Percy is starting to trust us."

Natasha shook her head, "More like Stark."

"So, what movie do you guys want to start out with first?" Bruce asked shyly trying to get this started.

"I declare Finding Nemo!" Percy announced with his fist raised.

His team just stared.

The agent just pouted. "It's a good movie."


Everyone looked over to see Thor fly in. Luckily, JARVIS opened the sliding door before the god went crashing in.

"Lady Jane has shown me this Finding Nemo and I find it fit for everyone!"

"See? The god agrees so it's decided! JARVIS, please play Finding Nemo."

"Of course, sir."


"It's so sad!" Percy said quietly burrowing his face in Tony's stomach.

Tony blushed slightly and ran a hand through Percy's hair. "Are you crying?" He whispered.

"What? No!"

Tony grinned widely. "Oh, you so are."

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