The Tale of Sayo and Sora 【PKMN Watty Awards 2013】

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  • Didedikasikan kepada the true Sora, my one and only Pidgeot

 It was mid morning in little Pallet Town. A young girl, no more than eight years old, sat in the shadow of a tree, looking out into the forest. She wanted a Pokemon, but not just any Pokemon. No, she wanted a Pidgey. The girl did not care about Professor Oak's “rare” starter Pokemon; she would rather catch her own Pidgey. She glanced down at her hands which held a Pokeball she had stolen long ago, when the Professor was out and about. This was what she was going to catch her Pidgey in, and she was going to do it right now.

 Standing up, the girl wandered into the forest. She held the Pokeball behind her, hoping that she could catch the Pidgey off guard. She walked through the forest, searching. The girl suddenly tripped over something feathery and soft, and fell flat on her face. Sniffling, she tried not to cry. The girl, wiping tears away, turned to see what she had tripped on. Her eyes got huge as she gazed at the thing that had tripped her. It was a Pidgey.

 The Pidgey was quite small in size. She seemed like she was the runt its family. The Pidgey was sleeping; the girl thought that she had just fallen out of her nest. This is good luck for me! the girl thought, smiling. She threw the Pokeball, and, in a flash of red light, the Pidgey was caught. The girl squealed in delight and quickly grabbed her Pokeball, and bolted out of the forest. She went back to the shadow of the tree and watched her Pokemon sleep in the Pokeball.

 “Sayo!” the girl's mother called, “It's lunch time!”

 “Coming, Mama!” Sayo called back, putting her Pokeball in her pocket. She wasn't going to show her mom yet. She ran to her home.

 After eating lunch, Sayo exited her house and wandered back to the forest. She took out the Pokeball and was surprised to see that the Pidgey was awake. She was extremely mad. She kept trying to get out, but there was no way to exit a Pokeball from the inside. Sayo smiled. She pressed the button and said, “Go, Pidgey!”

 The Pidgey came out in a red flash, but she wasn't graceful at landing. She flopped over, pushed herself up, and shook herself. The Pidgey glanced around before looking straight at Sayo. Sayo smiled with glee. Her first first Pokemon!

 “My name's Sayo,” she told the Pidgey, “I think I should name you 'cause I don't wanna call you Pidgey all the time. You're going to be my best friend, so best friends should have nicknames.”

 “Pidgey?” the Pidgey chirped, tilting her head to one side. She glared at Sayo and turned her back on the human girl. Sayo stuck out her lower lip.

 “Aw, come on! I just want to be your best friend!” she whined, getting on her hands and knees. “Please?”

 “Pid, pidgey. Ge-e-e-e,” Pidgey chirped. Sayo crawled over to her new Pokemon and sat beside her. Pidgey hopped away before taking flight. Sayo cried out, thinking that Pidgey was leaving. Pidgey didn't go far, though. She just flew around in a circle above Sayo's head. Suddenly, Sayo got an idea for Pidgey's name.

 “Your name,” Sayo said, smiling, “will be Sora.”

 Sora stopped circling and flew down to Sayo. She landed beside her and tilted her head. “Pid. . . gey.”

 Sayo grinned. “Do you like your name?”


 Sayo laughed a clear laugh. “Well, then Sora, why don't we go tell Mama about you? She doesn't know yet!”

 Sora chirped happily and, for the first time, flapped over to Sayo and landed on her shoulder. Sayo giggled gleefully and scratched Sora's chin. “Let's be best friends forever, okay, Sora?”

 “Pidgey! Pidgey gey gey!”

 That night, Sayo showed her mother Sora. Her mother was extremely surprised, and slightly mad, but seeing the look on her daughter’s face changed her own emotions.

The Tale of Sayo and Sora 【PKMN Watty Awards 2013】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang