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March , 1996
New York City, New York

"Where are you going?" Sebastian, Jack's best—only—friend asked him.

"Ramona's meeting me for lunch and I don't want to be late."

"I'm hungry," Sebastian returned. "Mind if I tag along? I have to be at Juilliard at three for an audition and I want to eat first."

Jack looked at Sebastian, surprised. "What kind of an audition?"

"My cousin's old roommate is auditioning for a teaching position and she needs some moral support. You're welcome to come with me. She's a helluva pianist. Once she gets going, that is."

"Stage fright?"

"It's painful. Too bad, too, because she plays Rachmaninoff like she's channeling the bastard."

That meant nothing to Jack, so he brushed it off and followed Sebastian out of the office, stopping at various traders' desks to check their stats, order, demand, or kick ass.

"Where'd you pick Ramona up?" Sebastian asked as they slid into Jack's car.

"Stewardess," Jack grunted, then gave his driver an uptown address. "Last month. She works the route to Hotlanta."

"I don't even know why I asked. You're not tired of her yet?"

"Getting there, although I'm not sure which one of us will end up doing the deed."

"Man, I can't keep up with you."


Sebastian snorted. "Hardly. You use women like paper towels to wipe your dick off."

"If you're trying to insult me, you're gonna have to do better than that. Did I hear you say you were headed to Europe?"

"June. Have to take care of a couple of clients, check up on a cousin, drop in on some old friends."

"Good, 'cause I need you to scout some locations for an office in London. You have contacts there, right?"

"Yep. Not a problem."

With that, they continued the discussion they'd interrupted at Jack's office until they reached the restaurant.

It was the first time Ramona had ever met Sebastian and the lust-filled glances she stole at him did not escape Jack's notice. Didn't escape Sebastian's, either, so his wall went up immediately. Even if he were attracted to Ramona, he was too immersed in business to attempt flirtation and he didn't like pushy, vapid women. Sebastian had a type and, although Jack had never been able to pin it down, Ramona was definitely not it.

"Oh, I love the theater!" Ramona exclaimed when Jack mentioned Sebastian's afternoon plans. Sebastian rolled his eyes so hard they rattled in his head. "Jack, I want to go. Take me."


Sebastian wasn't happy about it, but he kept his oh hell no to himself.

Sadly, the minute Jack clapped eyes on the concert pianist with stage fright, he caught wood, which stymied him enough that it subsided gracefully. But he was a professional and he thrived on pressure. Those who knew him well knew that if he were calm, cool, and collected, it meant he was feeling a lot of pressure.

Ramona didn't know this about him.

Sebastian did, and gave him the side eye when he coolly took the hand Lydia offered, and looked into plain old gray eyes.

"Hello," she murmured when they shook hands, her grip perfectly firm, looking straight at him as if she were trying to tell him something.

Jack could sense Sebastian watching this meeting as if he were waiting for something.

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