Chapter 24

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Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 24

Austin’s POV

The look on Sky’s face that day at the café when she saw Leah and I together is forever engraved in my memory. I can’t tell you how many emotions showed on her beautiful face. Hurt, betrayal, sadness, anger, and devastation were just the few I had picked up on within seconds. I had tried to leave before Leah made it to the table but didn’t have time. Before I knew it there was Leah kissing me in front of her ex best friend. The sight of us together had crushed Sky. That day I had wanted to run back in the café and tell er I was sorry but I couldn’t do it.

It had been about three months since the day at the café and Leah sensed my uneasiness. She was constantly wanting me to give her my full attention and all of me, but my mind just wasn’t there. Each night I dreamt a different dream about Sky and I. Actually, they were more like memories. Memories that haunted me whenever I closed my eyes.

“Austin! Youre not even listening to me.” Leah whined.

“Sorry babe I spaced out.” I apologized.

“You weren’t thinking about her again were you?” :Leah crossed her arms.

“Leah…” I started but she cut me off.

“I cant believe you! After everything she did to you, you still think about her/.” Leah scoffed.

“I’m sorry. Its just seeing her like that upset me.” I admitted.

“Why should it upset you? She’s the one who played you then slept with your supposed best friend.” Lead’s words cut like knives.

“Still, I knew she was playing me and that our relationship wasn’t real. In a way we were both at fault.” I argued back.

“Do you seriously believe that? Because if you do you’re stupid.” Why was she being such a bitch today?

“Look, you’re the one who tried to help me win her over.” I pointed out.

“That was before she decided that she still wanted to get you back for humiliating her all those years ago. She was stupid and she never deserved you.” Leah stated.

“She used to be your best friend .” I pointed out.

“I stopped being her friend when she decided to get revenge on you. I stood by your side while you were wasting your time trying to make her love you. But she didn’t fall in love with you. I knew she wouldn’t. Why do you think I always wanted to hang out? I knew it wouldn’t end well and I wanted you to run to me when everything fell apart.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“You planned this.” I motioned between me and her.

“No I never planned it. I hoped for it. I knew I could treat you better than she ever would have.” Leah said.

Leah had a point there. She had been good to me. I never felt as if I was having to fight for her attention and she never played games with me. Everything was straightforward and out in the open between us. No I didn’t love her like I loved Sky, but over time I think I could love her. I know she loves me.

“You’re right. What can I do to make it up to you for the way I’ve been acting?” I asked her as I pulled her closer to me.

“Well we’ve been together almost a year and I was thinking maybe we should take the next step in our relationship. I love you, and I know you love me.” Leah \beamed up at me.

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