Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"He didn't!"

"He did, Tiffany."

"He di--"

"Tiffany, I swear, if you say that one more time..." I said, wiping excess tears. I have been talking on the phone with Tiffany for at least an hour, and all it has been was, "He didn't", from her. Sighing, I climbed of my bed and sat on my window seal. I looked out at the stars in the night, each one of them twinkling like a crystal. One star shot across the sky, but it was sort of abnormal, and too far away to recognize.

"Alice? Alice!" I heard Tiffany screaming into the phone. Crap, forgot that I was on the phone with her.

I laid my head back onto the side the window seal, and kept looking out the window,"What is it Tiff?" My irritation was as clear as day.

Obviously avoiding my tone she said,"I asked what were you going to do." Is she serious? What am I supposed to do when I'm heart broken, and just lost my very first love about 5 hours ago!

Fresh tears started,"What am I supposed to do Tiffany?" I demanded.

"Hon, I'm sorry if I upset you. I just meant are you going to get him back or something?" She asked lightly, I knew she was sorry because she always said 'Hon' or 'Sweetie' whenever she was sorry.

"It's okay, but seriously Tiffany. This isn't an episode of Pretty Little Liars or something." Don't get me wrong, I love the show. Getting up, I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. I started to pull off my pants with my phone between my shoulder and ear.

Right when I was about to pull up my shorts up, there was a big thud on my window. I squealed, and that caused Tiffany to go into panic mode.

"Alice? Are you okay?" She asked, frantically. I started walked towards walking towards my window, pulling my pants up all the way.

"Uh, Tiffany. I gotta go." I said.

"No! Alice, don't you dare ha--" I had already hung up and threw my phone on my bed. Keeping at a slow pace, I walked up to my window and unlocked the hatch. I pushed lightly on the window and the soft night breeze hit my cheeks, weaving around my body and into my room. I leaned out my window and looked to the right, then to my left.


I shrugged and pulled my window closed, locking it and pulling on my tank top. Being so tired from crying, I just was going to take a shower in the morning. I debated on calling back Tiffany, but she would just keep me up all night and I seriously needed my sleep.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for God knows how long. Finally I turned over on my side letting a single tear fall down my right cheek. Then they started pouring out, and I sobbed through the night. Soon going into a deep, dreamless sleep.


"No Tiffany. Stop it!" I tugged at my arm, but she had a death grip on it.

"You have to go to school Alice, you can't just skip." she said, matter-of-factly.

"But, but..." I tried to say, tears stinging in my eyes.

"No but's Alice. Listen to me," she grabbed hold of my shoulders, standing me up straight,"I may not be the best-est friend to you, but I want you to know that I care and I will always be here for you no matter what." She said sincerely, and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back thinking, even if she is the preppy obnoxious girl, she is still my best friend.

"Now lets go, you need a shower." she pulled away and pinched her nose, faking a gagging sound. I laughed and walked into the bathroom, turning on the hot water and undressing myself. Getting in, I let the heated water soak my hair and it trailed drops down my front and back. The feeling of my tensed muscles loosening felt relaxing and peaceful.

After my nice 30 minute shower, I got out and put on the clothes Tiffany had chosen for me. Just a regular baby blue Aeropostale shirt that hugged my curvy waist, and plain blue jean skinny jeans. I started on my hair, pulling the brush lightly through it. Finally, I started blow drying it and with one last fixing, I was done. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My long black hair cascaded down my back and over my shoulders. A touch of eyeliner and blush was all I needed to complete the outfit. I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom to see Tiffany smiling down at a picture of us in the third grade. I walked beside her smiling and looking at the picture also. It was a picture of us back in 3rd grade at the park on a field trip. We were young and toothless, those were the days. Tiffany and I had our arms around each others shoulders with big toothless grins.

Tiffany put the picture down and examined me,"Wow that shower really did some magic. Your eyes don't even show a sign that you were crying all night about a jerk-off who cheated on my best fri--"

"Whoa Tiffany, let's just go." I said, stopping her from ranting on about him. I really didn't need the thought of him in my head right now.

I walked straight down the steps and out the front door, avoiding she devil completely. Lord how I hate that woman.

On our way to school Tiffany and I picked up a bagel and coffee from starbucks. When we got to school I parked in my normal parking space and got of the car walking to the front of the school.

Tiffany who was right beside me said,"Don't look to your right." Knowing good and well like any other person, I looked to the right. Sitting on a bench right near the football field were Josh and Gabrielle lip locking. I felt my heart break all over again and an un-expected tear tumbled down my cheek.

"Come on, let's get you inside" Tiffany said, lightly pushing me further up the school steps. How could he have left me for her. It just blows my mind. She's just as plastic as a barbie doll, fake boobs, fake body, fake hips, I can't even name what is actually hers!

Once we got in school it was like any normal day, except everyone probably knew what happened between Josh and I. It's not like he isn't the most popular guy in school, star football player, anything you could think of.

We walked to my locker in silence, if I spoke I would most likely choke on a sob. I opened my locker putting in the combination and pulling the lock down with a click. I got out what I need for class and slammed my locker shut. Pairs of eyes stared my way down the halls and it was making me shaky.

"it'll be okay Alice. Don't pay any attention to them." I ran quickly down the hallway. Away from Tiffany, away from everyone. I didn't want their pity, I didn't deserve it.

I kept running down the halls until I smacked straight into someones hard chest. Looking up, I saw the most goregeous guy there was. His dirty blonde hair was set off in curls around is head; glossed light blue eyes; his face looked so angelic. A small smile was playing with his perfect lips, wait, I just met the guy and don't even know his name! I couldn't help but to smile back.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you." I said, scratching the back of my neck and giving a little laugh.

"No, no. It's fine." He said, I felt a grip on both my elbows. I looked down to see he had his hands holding onto me. As clumsy as I am it probably looked like I was going to fall.

"Right, uhm." he jerked his hands away obviously noticing I was looking down at his hands.

"So are you new here?" he nodded with the same small smile,"What's your name? I'm Alice." I put out my hand for him to shake, and he took it into his masculine one, shaking it gently.

"I'm Peter."


A/N: Heyy ! It's Toria ( ; so this is my first time writing a chapter for this story. I have to say, I really enjoyed writing this! So Alice has finally met Peter :O :D can't wait to see what Shali has next for us! ( : please tell me what you think!

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P.S.• sorry this is short!

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