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welcome reader to my therian journal, here I will record any therian related things that happen in my life. i will try to post regularly.

i need to clarify that therianthropy is a spiritual belief, and if you don't agree with it or refuse to be open minded when reading this i would appreciate you do not read any further.
for those who are not therians are new to therianthropy i go over therian terms in my next part introduction to therianthropy

i was awoken during September in 2015. i was awoken through meditation. my full awakening story is in the chapter my awakening

more about me in general:

i'm a 14 year old boy

i am lgbt + and wiccan

and im also single as ive ever been

born on the 9th of january and have been in vague existential pain since

my sign is capricorn, my moon sign is gemini and my sun sign is pisces

living in birsbane australia, and if you have any packs centered around this area i am interested

i dont consider myself a part of many fanbases, though i am in the furry and homestuck fandom ( though i doubt that is important )

instagram, _ghostbirdd

tumblr, ghostbirdd

discord, ghostbirdd#4961

feel free to contact me here or on any of those shenanigans


this series went on a hiatus between march of  2016 to september of 2017, due to abusive relationships and other problematic situations. if you have concerns during what happened during this time you are allowed to message me about it

this is a learning experience, nothing is out of the question. so comment away ! i hope we'll all learn and grow together

any blatantly unreasonable hate speech will be deleted from the comments as soon as i see it, no one has time for that and thats not what this series is about

i dont deal with idiots, please me calm and respectful when communicating

ill probably mark sarcasm in italics if need be

i deliberately type without capitals or fullstops ( plus a myriad of other little details ), so dont worry about me having a grammar problem

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