Chapter 45

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August POV

I turned the tv off and looked at Mahagany.


She said while sighing, and honestly it was a "wow" moment. After all this niggas has done to my family he deserves everything he's getting.

"You alright baby?"
"Yeah, I'm just happy that I'm alive right now. To be here with you and the babies and the family period."

I nodded, and brought her lips to mine. She smiled while pulling away.

"Love you."
"Love you too gorgeous."

I laid my head on her lap again and everyone just talked and then my phone started going off, I stood up and went into the kitchen.

"Hello, is this Mr. Alsina?"
"This is detective Sandburg, I would like to talk to you and Mrs. Alsina about the Wilkinson case."

I called Mahagany in and we talked to the detective, basically he said that next week starts the trial and he wants me and Mahagany to get on the stand and tell all the altercations we've had with ole dude, and Mahagany seemed so willing, but me, it's a whole different story. I just don't know how I will feel seeing his face again, the face that shot me, kidnapped my wife, beat her, and tried to rape her. Leaving her in a coma for three months to die. I'm not sure that when I see him, I won't pull my gun out and kill him. After hanging up with the detective I looked at Mahagany.

"What baby?"
"I don't know about this."
"Because M, how am I supposed to feel sitting in front of a man that shot me and left me for dead and then took my wife an beat her and attempting to rape her? He could have killed you, then what about me? What about our kids? How am was I supposed to carry on knowing that the only woman I've ever loved is gone and I will never get to see you again, and my kids will never get to say goodbye to their mother."

I started to cry and she did too while climbing on top of my lap. She wiped my tears away while at the same time wiping hers.

"I wanna kill him Mahagany."

She covered my lips while tears poured out of our eyes. She shook her head vigorously.

"Don't say that, you don't mean it."
"I do mean it! I wanna kill him, for me, for you, for our kids!"
"No August! What's best for me, you, and the kids is that you stay here, with us! It wouldn't make you any better if you went off and did something stupid like that. Then you would be taken away from us, forever."

I shook my head while bearing my head in my wife's chest. I know this shit ain't manly of me, but Mahagany is my heart and soul, she's a female version of ME. I never thought I would love a woman so deeply, except for my mother. She's changed me, her and Angel, and then Melvin came alone and taught me to really be a man, to show him, how a woman's supposed to be treated and how to be a man. I Just love my family, and if anyone and anything tried to harm it, I'd die defending them. She lifted my chin, while looking on my eyes.

"We're safe now. Okay?"

I nodded and she leaned in a pecked my lips.

"I love you."
"I love you too Mahagany."

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