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The school day finally ended and Emma was relieved to finally head home. She takes out her old-fashioned camera and starts to take pictures of everything around her.

She always has the best shots since her father taught her when she was small. She'd forgotten to take pictures yesterday when she bumped into that boy. She sighs in annoyance at the memory of her falling. If only she had been born with more balance.

Once she reaches her home, she immediately goes to her room. She takes out her black notebook from her backpack and starts to open it to tape in her pictures that she had recently taken.

She gasps. The black notebook before her was not hers. It had music notes and sheets of music that seemed to be halfway done.
She closes the notebook in shock, but curiosity gets the best of her as she opens the notebook to the first page. The writing was scribbled with a lot of eraser marks and dots.

She wasn't dumb. She used to play the piano and she knew how the rhythm went. As she reads all the wonderful notes and melodies they suddenly come to life in her head. She checks the time. "Ugh, I need to do my homework." Emma reluctantly closes the black notebook to work on her homework. She soon falls asleep and dreams of the sheet music she discovered. The music is playing in the background by those beautiful, blue eyes.

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