Chapter Five

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"It's Alecia, I was just wondering if you wanted to ta-"
I smiled, feeling the tension release from my shoulders finally. "Good, come meet me over at that park a few blocks down."

"See you soon!"

I ran back downstairs with my car keys and my phone in hand. Dad chuckled as I passed him, "That was short, where are you going now?"

"Oh, I forgot something at the school, I'll be back in a little bit."

I ran to my car with giddy excitement, the two-minute drive wasn't short enough. She pulled in just before I did. As soon as my car was in park I jumped out, ready to see her. She met me between our cars and we hugged, "I'm so glad you called me," She said. "I've been dying to talk to you."

I invited her to sit with me in my car, and we relaxed together for a few moments. "How was your day?"

I laughed, "Well, kind of terrible. There's this girl I like, but I can't talk to her at school even though I really want to. I have to listen to my soccer team talk about her and not scream at them."

Hanna laughed, "That sounds awful. What's this girl like?"

I grinned, "Well she's a dancer, which is super hot. She's got this beautiful warm smile that just makes me melt, I like her a lot."

Hanna smiled, "I think she likes you too."

"Well that's a relief," I said, leaning back in my seat.

We sat in a warm silence for a few moments. It felt so good just to be with her. I didn't feel alone anymore. Her hand found mine and she squeezed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you, things wouldn't be so hard for you if I hadn't."

I looked at her, "I'm glad you kissed me." I found the courage to say what I wanted to say. "Nothing has ever felt so right for me. It was like coming up for a breath of fresh air. I'd do it all over again without changing anything. Except maybe I wouldn't have run away."

"That's nice to hear, because I didn't even realize that I'd forgotten how it feels to be attracted to someone." She took in a deep breath and traced my jaw with her fingertips. Her warm green eyes connected with mine, my heart fluttered. She wants me to make a move. I leaned in and kissed her, bravely putting my hand on her side, and she pulled herself in closer to me. My senses were an explosion, every touch was amplified, the smell of her perfume overcame my senses, the taste of her lips, and then her tongue lit me on fire. I'm so gay. Her hand slid up towards my breast, stopping just before touching it.

I was so sensitive to her touch that I could feel myself getting turned on, I grabbed her hand and pulled it away, stopping. "I'm sorry, -I'm not ready." I looked down.

"Hey, it's ok," Hanna said, moving an arm's length away and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I just want to be here with you." I held her head to my shoulder and we held each other tight, I thought I might tear up, it felt so good just to hold her.

We heard tires roll up on the pavement and Hanna jumped off me. We looked at each other, nervously wondering who was pulling up. A flashlight tapped on my window, "Oh it's probably just a Deputy," I said before rolling down the window. I was right, it was Deputy Warren. He was a chipper young guy who had done the DARE program at the elementary school for a few years now.

"Oh hey Alecia, I didn't realize it was you. Thought some hoodlums were up to no good."

I smiled at him, "Yep, just talking to a friend, sir."

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