{chapter two}

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Her voice hit him like a bullet out of a shot gun.

“Hey, Abi.” He tried to calm his nerves but it was like meeting her all over again and he remembered that first day, all to well.

He tried to wet his parched mouth and hoped he didn't like a hungry animal.

“How are you?” She breathed.

He shifted his weight, needing to stop his fantasy prone mind around her, “Uh, yeah, good. You?”

“Could be better.” She etched with uneasiness.

Her words forced him to snap his focus back on the horse and why he was there.

“We need to get Fiesta walking.” He stuffed.

“She won't.”

Her obvious distress bothered him, hunching forward, he became determined.

“We'll get her up.” Going to walk past her, he couldn't, the six inches of door frame left would end with him brushing against her, that he wouldn't be able to endure.

She stepped back into the isle, “I don't want to lose her. I just couldn't stand it.”

“She'll be okay.” Making possible impossible promises to not just himself but to her as well, that could be bad – very bad.

She crept inside the stall while he took a moment to gather his senses.

Walking forward, he convinced himself he could now stand in front of Abigail and not be in pain.

He entered the stall and looked down at the pretty blonde as she stroked the sorrel's face, humming softly to her horse. He walked around and bent down, looking the mare over.

“I'll try giving her a shove up.” He tried pushing and Fiesta shifted, causing Abigail to lean in. His eyes snapped to the nineteen year old girl as her shirt exposed a bit of her cleavage.

He bit his tongue as burning shot cut through him, “Ow.” He tripped away from the mare.

Abigail looked to him and he could see her astonishment, “Oh, did she hurt you?”

“No. I bit my tongue.” Blood filling his mouth, surprised he hadn't taken the tip of it off with the chomp, all because of her chest. He shook off the burning sensations and moved back to push the horse, “On three, mare.”

Abigail stepped up next to him, “I'll help.”

He grumbled, counting down and they pushed.

“Come on, Fiesta!” Abigail's voice broke, as she whimpered from pushing.

Colten groaned, not liking her wavering emotion. A low growl in his chest erupted and the mare shot up, skidding away from him.

He smiled but caught himself, brushing his hands off on his jeans.

Clinging to his bicep, Abigail squeezed him, “You did it!”

“You helped.” He looked down at her, her blue eyes meeting his and they both stopped.

Biting her lip, she swallowed, “Daddy! She's up!” Abigail hollered, breaking away from him.

“Shh, it's alright, girl.” Colten moved toward the mare and grabbed her by the halter, clipping the lead rope on. The horse backed away from him, eyeing him up, he took a deep breath and tried to settled the wolf stench pouring off him, “Here, Abi.”

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