Daemon's Letter to Kat

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Please note: I have no idea why I wrote this or if it was ever even shared...

April 18, 2014

Dear Kat,

I've never done this before—written a girl a letter. Well, I wrote you that note once in class, but this is not that. I guess there's a first time for everything, especially when it comes to you, right? Training with the damn onyx is really wearing you out, and yeah, I still wish I could've talked you out of doing it. But you're too damn stubborn. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that stubbornness infuriating sexy. Okay, I think it's sexy and infuriating.

Anyway, you're asleep right now, passed out on the couch beside me, curled up. Did you know you have a freckle just below your left ear? I never really noticed that before. It got me thinking about how much I still don't know about you even though I sometimes think I know everything there is to know about you. It's got me thinking about our future—about what we're going to face when we go back to Mount Weather.

Ok. I need to get to the point. I suck at this writing shit.

I hope you never read this letter, because if you do, it means something not that great has happened, and I won't be able to tell you what I'm about to say. But I needed to get this out of me. You changed my life the day you knocked on my door asking for directions. Thinking back, I wish I was less of dick those following months, because I would've gotten to love you a lot sooner than I did. But I want you to know that you changed me. I never thought I could care about someone other than my family as strongly as I care about you. And at the risk of sounding like a total cornball, you... you are and always will be my everything.

I wish on a million stars and galaxies that you will never see this letter, that I will forget it about, but I'm going to give this letter to Dee just in case. Because I want you to know no matter what happens, there will always be a piece of you living inside me, and even if I'm far away, I will always be a part of you. And if I don't come back from Mount Weather, if something happens and we are separated, I make it back to you. I promise.

I love you, Kitten. Don't you ever forget that.


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