Chapter 14

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-Kyser's POV-

I kiss Rosa's forehead one last time before I get up and start to get ready. Casper was on patrol when he smelt a unknown scent and said that it was fowl so that means either a rogue or another pack is in our territory. All I know  is I have to keep my pack safe, my mom and Rosa she's my everything.

I walk out of the room and through the dark hallways and downstairs where I quietly sneak out and lock the door behind me. I undress behind a tree leaving my all my clothes but my pair of shorts on a branch. I shift into my red wolf.

-The others aren't far- Leo, my wolf says.

-we have to hurry- I reply letting him take full control.

I jump over anything in my path, I can sense Casper is nearby along with the warriors and I soon find them right at the border growling in darkness.

"What's going on?" I ask using mind link.

"Alpha Kyser we smelt rogues on our land, but when we came to check it out they weren't around" a warrior named Alex says.

"Maybe they left?" I suggest.

"No way, they're around here..somewhere" Victor growls.

"Alright I want four of you to go back and protect the house. The rest need to take a partner and spread out" I instruct.

There's about four professional warriors that I truly trust and I want them to protect our house, along with my mate. Leaving all the new members, Victor, Casper, and I here to settle this.

I team up with my beta Casper of course. We keep our noses to the ground making sure to not miss any scent. My mind wanders to what Rosa's wolf might look like, I can't wait to show her mine.

"Brother" I hear Kylie's voice growl.

I turn to see my sister who is a pitch black wolf with silver spots. She has eight unknown wolves behind her baring their teeth at Casper and I. What is she doing?

"Kylie it's dangerous out here" I growl.

"I'm not letting you destroy this pack like you did before!" She snaps making me whimper.

"You do not disrespect your Alpha!" Casper yells at Kylie.

"I bet you killed dad on purpose because you wanted to be alpha. Is that true Kyser?" Kylie laughs.

"You know it isn't. I never meant for that to happen" I reply.

She shakes her head and looks at the ground she begins to pace. I keep my eyes trained on her as she does the same.

"You either give up your place and leave the pack alone or in less than two months you'll have a war on your hands" she threatens.

"Kylie please don't do this" I plead.

"You just wait Kyser I'll take that mate of yours and kill her right in front of you. Hell its not like she means anything to anyone" she threatens.

I growl and get up in her face my teeth are now out and I'm ready to pounce. But Casper gets between us separating.

"Kylie, We can talk about this" Casper tries.

"I'm done talking! Kyser killed dad! He broke this pack! He broke me, and now he's killing mom" Kylie replies glaring at me.

"Fine! You want a war? Then you got it! But you better find a new home" I spit "I Alpha Kyser, disown my sister Kylie from the Spritual Pack never to return, and never to be forgiven"I say the vow inwhich disowns a wolf from a pack making them a rouge.

Without a second warning I howl signaling for all of my warriors to return at once. In less than a secon all of my warriors about twenty four not counting me is surrounding my sister and the rogues.

"You will die brother!" Kylie yells and runs off the territory.

I turn to look at the pack who are all wearing confusion on their faces. I take a deep breath and hold my head up high.

"Six at a time will be on patrol everyday and night. There will be a war in two months against my once sister. We need to prepare and train, we will protect this pack!" I order.

"Yes Alpha" they all reply in unsion.

"Alright. Alex, Shane, Martel, Liam, Luke and Simon. You all take first night watch we will switch out every four hours" I order.

They all seem to understand the seriousness of the situation so I shift back and put on the shorts I brought with me. Casper walks along side with me.

"Don't worry Alpha, everything will get better once they are taken care of" he assures me.

"I'm so stressed. All I want to do is stay with Rosa, but I have to worry about her safety it comes first" I reply.

"That's how I feel about Nolla. And we will they all will be safe, now we just have to explain to them" he says.

"Yeah they can't go in the woods without us" I add.

"Agreed. I'll sort out the patrol schedule" he replies as we reach the house.

I dismiss the four warriors who were protecting the house and tell them what's going on. They all seem to understand. As I'm about to walk in the house Jake, Loralye's mate stops me.

"Alpha, Rosa was asking for you earlier" he says.

I nod in response and walk into the house. Right now that's all I want to do is to be with Rosa, she's everything to me and I can't lose her. I walk into our room to see her curled up on the spot where I usually lay.

"Hey" I whisper sitting next to her.

"Where were you?" She asks rubbing her beautiful eyes.

"Rosa I'm not going to lie to you. Kylie turned on us. There will be a war in about two months, I don't want you in the woods by yourself only with me." I whisper.

"Why would she do that?" She asks sitting up and scooting closer to me.

"She blames me for dads death, and mom being ill" I sigh pushing back tears.

"It's not your fault baby" Rosa whispers climbing onto my lap.

"I just want to keep you safe. You're mine" I reply kissing her cheek.

She closes her eyes and holds my hand tightly in her small one. She sits on my lap in just a big white t-shirt revealing her beautiful legs. This moment is bliss Rosa always calms me I'm glad I stopped fighting the bond, or I would've gone mad.

-Authors Note-
Yay Kyser's POV.
I really liked this chapter..
Tell me what you think please:)

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