The Thirteen Targets

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Thirteen questions to answer

Thirteen answers to offer

Thirteen targets of the writer

Thirteen people to tag later 

I got tagged by tigerarrow150 and decided to use this book (which remained in the drafts since October 2015) and published it. The title and introduction is for the creativity. Let's get down with the rules.

1. You must list the rules.

2. You must tag thirteen people.

3. Tagged people must say thirteen things about themselves. 

4. You must answer all thirteen questions.

5. Don't skip tags.

6. Tag backs are allowed. 

7. If you don't do it within a week, you must do something I tell you.

8. Must have a creative title.

9. Put it in a book and not in the comments. 

On with the questions! 

1.) Favorite Activity?

Watching anime, reading manga and novels, writing, watching AMVs and MEPs, and fangirling over my OTPs. xD

2.) Shorts or Skirts? 

I'm fine with both I guess but it's usually shorts that I wear. Skirts are for special occasions. 

3.) Full Name? 

Just the first name mm-kay? Allysa. (AND IT IS NOT SPELLED LIKE 'ALYSSA')

4.) What is the color of your bedroom wall?

White but got covered because of anime posters and KPOP boy bands.

5.) Any Pets?

None. :/

6.) Favorite Subject?

Music, Arts, Physical Education, Filipino, English and Araling Panlipunan (History)

7.) OTP?

I'm seriously torn with who I'm supposed to ship Hinata with.  I really really ship him with Kageyama but then I ship him with Yachi as well. (I think Yachi ships KageHina though) xD

Midorima & Takao

Kise & Kasamatsu

 Izuki & Kotaro (blame a KNB crack for that xD)

 Bokuto & Akaashi

Oikawa & Iwaizumi

Gray & Juvia

Gajeel & Levy

Kirigaya Hitsugi & Chitaru Namatame

Hattori & Kazuha

Gin & Sherry

Kaito & Aoko

8.)Who is your favorite character in any book?

I read lots of books so I'll probably put the characters I recently remember. 

Loki Mendez from PROJECT LOKI (By AkoSiIbarra)- A high school detective, so smart I want to steal his brains xD Anyway, he's really good with mysteries and I really like his ummm... 'ideology' about stuff. I really want to know how he sleeps with his eyes open. I just have to.

Cirinthixia Hyde from KILLER WEBSITE (By Sejuru)- Although she's different from Loki, I also like her personality when she was first introduced in Sejuru-senpai's story. At least she's not the usual female protagonist with a goody-two shoes prude because I usually read girls like them. You can't always be good to others. 

There's supposed to be more but I can't remember xD

9.) Cats or Dogs?

Dogs are adorable and great buddies in the outdoors while cats are for indoors. I think I prefer the cats over the dogs because I'm more of a indoor person. 

10.) One Interesting Thing Going on Your Your Life

I don't know if this is interesting but I met this dude who seems like the crossover of Hachiman Hikigaya and Oreki Houtarou. He happens to be my classmate. I think he's interesting because he is freaking similiar, I mean, REALLY similar to the personality of the two. 

11.) Where Do You Want to Travel?

Japan, some place with the remains of the Mayan civilization, South Korea, and the...

Bermuda Triangle (*w*)

12.) Where Do You See Yourself in a Few Years?

I seriously have no clue. (>w<) I have no idea what life throws at me and how it affects the course of my journey. xD I wanted to be a teacher but I'm starting to have second thoughts. 

13.) What's Your Favorite Sport? 

Volleyball and dodge ball.

Here are my 'targets'. Nurufufufufufufufufu~

1st Target -> AkoSiIbarra

2nd Target->Sejuru

3rd Target-> JanlouMitsitsiyo

4th Target-> Nutster

5th Target-> oikawas

6th Target->sapphire_xoxo

7th Target->SuperSaiyanGotenks

8th Target-> FreakWENCY

9th Target-> kuramakaitou

10th Target-> Flaming_Soul

11th Target-> NerDOLLAR

12th Target-> MisukiTheTraveler

13th Target-> Dorki_Kid

Allysa's Mind TheaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora