Chapter Eight

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Eight

"So you mean to tell me that you and Austin had a food fight with the waitress?" Gabe asked laughing.

"Yeah, pretty much," I told them.

We were all sitting in the back lounge, me and the guys, Cope was already off to bed by the time I got back. I had changed out of my dress and was in my pajamas and my hair was pulled back into a messy bun. I'm pretty sure there was still food in it, but hey, I wasn't really in the mood to worry about it. 

"Wait, why did you start the fight in the first place?" Kellin asked.

"She called Austin a freak and said I was his ugly girlfriend." All the guys were staring at me.

"You're not ugly, you're beautiful," Justin whispered in my ear. His arm was wrapped around my waist holding me close to him.

"Wow, I wonder if she lost her job," Jack said looking out into space.

"I don't know. We were out of there before anybody could register what happened," I said shrugging my shoulders. "I'm gonna head to bed. See you guys in the morning."

I walked to my bunk and hopped in. I rested my head down on my pillow and dozed off.


Two weeks passed and we were already in New York. Boston was our next visit so I'd be seeing Sam soon. Austin took me out a few more times and we hung out. Justin took me out on a few dates. I had called my parents and they emailed me a few pictures.

"Wendy, run away with me, I know I sound crazy, don't you see what you do to me," my familiar ringtone began to play. I rolled over on my side and answered it.

"Hello," I said. I was tired. It had been hot so my energy was taken away faster than usual.

"You tired?" I heard the familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, it's been crazy hot. The bus is the only place where I don't die of heat," I told them.

"How have you been, your father wants to know," my mom asked.

"I've been fine. I met my brother," I told her. I never mentioned him to them yet. Every time we talk its always about how they're doing, or how the baby is doing.

"You met him? When? How?"

"The first night, we went to a barbecue with all the bands, and he was there. We didn't talk, I ran away, but we've been talking and hanging out a lot more lately. He's in a band," I informed her.

"Wow, that's great," she said.

"Yeah, you should see how much we look alike, he could be my twin," I said.

"Well, he is your brother. I got to go, I'll call you later, bye, sweetie," she said and hung up. I put my phone down and went back to sleep. I didn't have to watch Cope until Sleeping With Sirens has to go on.

Usually Cope and I watch them perform, then we watch Of Mice & Men, but today I didn't feel like watching them, I wanted to see the other bands play.


"Noah, wake up," a voice called. I stirred a little and then settled back down. "Noah!"

I peeled my eyes open. "What?" I hissed.

"You gotta watch Cope," Justin said.

I moaned. "I'm tired," I told him.

"You've been sleeping all day," he pointed out. "Come on, get up."

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