Chapter 6

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Apparently, the worst hadn't been revealed as Micah soon found out.

"My office received several calls every week for about 2 months, starting in February and then abruptly stopping in mid April." Ms Peterson started. "The calls were made by an unknown male. He made a range of claims but he never had anything concrete to back up those claims upon further questioning. The department in turn made several calls and visits to this house during that time. Just in case.

The accusations steadily got more serious over time and towards the end he was claiming that Caleb was being assaulted, sexually, by his father. It was quite a suspicious report considering the record of the accuser, but we couldn't ignore it. After that, the police got involved. We started interviews with school teachers, neighbors, employees, even some of Caleb's classmates. We contacted the police to see if any domestic violence incidents were reported against your brother or sister-in-law. Caleb had a rape kit done and was interviewed by a child phychologist.

In the end, we found nothing. The rape kit came back clean. The psychologist's report stated Caleb didn't exhibit any signs of abuse at all. None of his teachers witnessed any signs either, and the others questioned never reported anything noteworthy. It was a really bizzare case. It was a false report with malicious intent. But Vermont doesn't carry any penalty for that and even if it did, it no longer fell within our jurisdiction. So we handed off all the evidence to the police."

Micah sat there stunned into silence at the narration. He had known about the series of false reports. Five months ago, he had been receiving calls from both Julian and Natalie about them. But they had completely down played the magnitude of what had happened. This cover-up reeked of Julian. He probably told Natalie not to say too much because Micah would have rushed down here and raised hell. Julian was the quiet kind. He wouldn't have wanted any of Micah's hell raising. Also, Micah had been really busy after being moved to a new precinct. Julian was always mindful of not stressing him too much. That explained why lately he kept making excuses to prevent Micah from visiting. Instead they all went up to New York.

Micah adjusted his hold on Caleb who had relaxed a little. "So you're telling me that this man, this.... concerned citizen, reported that my brother assaulted his son and all the while, Natalie stood by and said nothing. And how he would have known this is anyone's guess. What you're telling me, is that as a direct consequence of that report, my 6 year old nephew was put through the humiliation of a totally unnecessary rape kit."

They both looked really uncomfortable. "I'm sorry Mr LeRoux. I can't imagine how you feel-" Ms Peterson said.

"Damn right you can't." Micah snapped. "I'm sure you can't imagine how I must feel to know someone has callously and unrepentently victimized all the people I hold most dear." Micah hardly ever lost his temper or raised his voice, but this was really testing him. He took a deep calming breath as he felt himself begin to shake. He couldn't afford to breakdown just yet. "And now 2 out of 3 of them are gone." Micah said, glaring at the man.

An awkward silence stretched out. Ms Peterson and Monroe looked in every direction but Micah's. He calmed down a little and broke the silence. "What are the new developments?" he asked, his voice hard.

Ms Peterson looked up at Micah. "We've... started receiving calls from the unidentified man again." she said after taking a deep breath. "It started last week Monday. New accusations were brought up. But this time, they were against people Mr and Mrs LeRoux associated with. Like the babysitter and other neighbors, a few employees and even a few business associates. He kept on calling every day until Tuesday. Then, again, he just stopped. And yesterday, there was a particularly chilling call. I would rather not repeat the obscene details in front of a child, but it seems this man has now fixated on you Mr LeRoux."

Micah stared at her blankly. He had been taken by surprise after discovering Mr Creepers. It had frightened him. But hearing this, he only felt rage. This piece of shit had run a campaign of terror against his family for months. He taunted them, humiliated them and dehumanized them for no discernible reason. As if that wasn't enough, he murdered them, most likely in a way Micah didn't even want to think about. And after all that, this man had the audacity to threaten him as well.

".... roux? Mr LeRoux." Micah heard detective Monroe calling him and snapped out of his haze of rage. "Are you ok?"

"Not in the least." Micah retorted. It was a pretty dumb question.

"Um... I was wondering if you're planning on going back to New York." Monroe asked.

Micah hadn't given that much thought. It made perfect sense actually. Moving away from the danger. Allowing the detective to work the case. But then, given the fact that Micah was the new target, the man would probably soon follow them. Plus, If he went back to New York, his hours as a detective would interfere with properly caring for Caleb. And Caleb had a better support system here. Micah wasn't living in the same area Caleb had come up in almost 2 years ago. It would a very long adjustment and a very lonely life back in New York.

Even without that, Micah hated the idea of running away. Thinking about all Julian and Natalie had done here, it would be a shame to just leave everything and go. He couldn't do that.

"I haven't decided on a long term plan." Micah eventually said. "But, for now, I'm staying here."

Detective Monroe looked like he disapproved strongly, but held his piece. "Then... given the trespassing reports we received last night, in addition to the calls, we would like to assign a protection unit to the house." Monroe went on. "Now officer O'keith told me you were adamantly against that-"

"Officer O'keith told you right." Micah said, cutting him off. He was barely holding on to the anger brewing. "I don't need a babysitter."

"Mr LeRoux, I understand you're a detective yourself and feel you can handle this alone-"


"-but let me remind you that this man has already taken two lives." Detective Monroe half yelled and Micah fell silent. "He's unstable now. He's not his normal meticulous self any longer. He's irrational and unpredictable. Please Mr LeRoux, if not for your sake, then at least for Caleb's."

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