llamas don't like Snape.

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 If I thought that matters would improve once everyone got used to the idea of Harry being champion, the following day showed me how mistaken I was.

Pretty much everyone hated him. Hufflepuffs seemed to hate us all. Ron was still being an emotional teenage girl and wasn’t talking to Harry, or me for that matter. Hermione was trying to keep the peace, but looked like she was on the verge of a PMS breakdown. I was trying to be polite to everyone, but I was born a bitch, so I kept my mouth shut.

I didn’t pay any attention during Care of Magical creatures, not even when Hagrid told us the skrewts were killing each other, and that we needed to walk them. I just sat on the floor and made pictures in the dirt.

I thought it was kind of weird that I was being normal –human being normal, not Willow normal- and wondered if I should go take happy pills again.



That was fun.

I feel like I’m going to explode.

Where’s Snape, It’s fun to yell at him...

I failed in charms. We were doing summoning charms, Hermione was perfect, Harry failed, and I managed to move things, but all of them would hit someone across the head.

“I swear I’m not doing it intentionally sir – shit – Sorry Seamus!” A rather large book had flown off a shelf and landed on top of him.

I have skills.

*** *** ***

I still had the urge to scream at someone, and I was dreading having to attend double potions. It would be nothing short of torture. Being shut in a dungeon for an hour and a half with Snape and the Slytherins was shit.

When Harry, ‘Mione and I arrived at Snape’s dungeon after lunch, we found the Slytherins waiting outside, each and every one of them wearing a large badge on the front of his or her robes. I saw that they all bore the same message, in luminous red letters that burnt brightly in the dimly lit underground passage:  SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY—THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION! 


“Like them, Potter?” said Malfoy loudly as we approached. “And this isn’t all they do - look!”  He pressed his badge into his chest, and the message upon it vanished, to be replaced by another one, which glowed green: POTTER STINKS!

“Why would you make it go green, green is your house colour.” I said quizzically.

“Stuff you freak.” Malfoy snapped. Wow, threatening!

Ron was standing against the wall with Dean and Seamus. He wasn’t laughing like the Slytherins, but he wasn’t sticking up for Harry either. 

“Want one, Granger?” said Malfoy, holding out a badge to Hermione. “I’ve got loads. But don’t touch my hand, now. I’ve just washed it, you see; don’t want a Mudblood sliming it up.” 

Harry reached for his wand in a split second.

“Harry!” Hermione said warningly. 

“Go on, then, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly, drawing out his own wand. “Moody’s not here to look after you now - do it, if you’ve got the guts -” 

For a split second, they looked into each other’s eyes, then, at exactly the same time, both acted.  “Funnunculus!” Harry yelled. 

“Densaugeo!” screamed Malfoy.

Jets of light shot from both wands, hit each other in midair, and ricocheted off at angles — Harry’s hit Goyle in the face, and Malfoy’s hit Hermione.

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