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I drive over to my mom's house and sit down and watch tv until she comes home. It's weird calling it my mom's house now, when I used to call this my home.

I really wish I could stay here once the baby came so I could be around my mom and Izzy, but Zack lives at my dad's house now so it's better for us to stay there. Izzy has the most experience with babies, so she would be a big help.

It's been over a month since I've actually seen my mom. We've talked on the phone a few times but she doesn't really know anything about how the baby might come early so I just want to prepare her.

I hear the door Creek open and I jerk my head up and see my mom standing in the door way with a really attractive man.

He must be about late twenties, very fit, you can see his muscles through his white shirt. He has dark black hair slicked back, and he's super tall, probably over 6 foot.

They start to kiss as the walk into the house I guess my mom wasn't expecting guest.

I clear my throat so they know someone's in the room.

"Oh my.. Ashley, I was not expecting to see you here." My mom says and walks over to me

"I wanted to talk to you about a few things." I say

"Can it wait? I'm kind of busy?" She says and winks at the guy standing in the corner

"Uhh. I guess, but it's kind of important."

"I'm sure it's not that important."

"Whatever." I say and head to the door "have fun with your boy toy."

"Ashley. ."

I hear her call my name a few more times, but I ignore it and leave.

I really thought my mom had changed. I know it's going to take her time, but she can't just ignore her kid for a guy like she always has.

I just really wanted to talk to my mom, I'm so sick of being around Miranda. She's trying to control my life like she's my mother.

I don't have much of a mother but she's not going to be my new mommy. I thought I was going to like Miranda but she's such a bitch, I don't even like being around her.

I sigh and head home anyways. I know my dad and Miranda are home, but I don't feel like going anywhere and being on my feet.

I walk into the kitchen and See Miranda cooking something that smells great.

"Hey Ashley. Want some?" She asks as she stirs the pot

"What is it?" I ask


"Sure. I'll have a bowl."

She makes my a bowl and hands it to me.

I look down at the food not really hungry, just wanting to get out of here.

"What's wrong?" Miranda says kind of rudely "You're just playing with your food."

"I'm not really that hungry." I say

"Ugh, really Ashley. You're just going to waste it?"

"I haven't touched it. You can put it back."

"No, throw it away and get out of my kitchen. " She yells

What the hell did I do? She acts like she hates me.

"No'' I say and roll my eyes at her

"Don't back talk me, do as I say. I'm your mother." She screams clearly getting mad

"You are not my mother." I laugh

"What's so funny?"

"It's just funny that you think you're my mom, but you've never been a mom but to Dylan"

"Do not disrespect me in my house" She slams her fist on the counter

She's honestly just mad because she thought I was going to give her my son, and I'm not.

"Its my dad house, not yours." I scream back

"What the hell is going on in here?" My dad says coming into the kitchen

"Your bitch wife is what's wrong." I say

"Kenny, this was not me. She tried to hit me." Miranda starts to fake cry

"What? No I did not." I say

"Ashley, go to your room now." My dad shouts

"Of course take her side, not mine." I say and head towards the front door.

He wants me to go somewhere so I will, I'm not staying in that house with her anymore.

I get into my car and just start driving. I don't know where I'm going, anywhere but there or my mom's house.

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