✔️Chapter 05

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Phil's POV

On Tuesday, I received an email from Peter saying how impressed he was with the article regarding the lawyers from Howell and Edwards. I had been given a small raise; the raise wasn't much but it meant being able a couple extra bottles of wine for when we had guests.

Or just more anime box sets for me to binge watch in my spare time, either one was good enough for me.

It was a small victory and on any other occasion I would be celebrating, but the dread for tomorrow prevented me from feeling any joy.

I had spent every single moment, since Dan had mentioned the date thinking about it, on one hand I wanted to go because Dan Howell's looks were a gift from God Himself and to be honest, I definitely wanted to see him again. On the other hand, I didn't want to go because I had no idea what to expect. Would Dan be his usual rude, scary self or would he make an exception? I mean he had asked me out for goodness sake, surely that meant he liked me? Or at least didn't completely hate me? In all our previous conversations I had ended up against the wall, loving the feeling of having him pressed against me, but hating how vulnerable I was. Would the date leave me with the same feeling?

Even though I had been trying to make every day last forever, my week seemed to have passed quicker than ever before.

Before I knew it, it was 5 o'clock on Wednesday. Dan would be here in exactly 2 hours. He'd probably even be early because he was so goddamn perfect. I quickly ran a bath, making it as warm as possible, in an attempt to calm my nerves.

About an hour and a half later, Tyler was banging on my door. "Please Phil, I need to pee so badly."

I only groaned in reply.

"I swear to God Phil, you better open up right now. This isn't a joke, you little fucker, I've been holding it in since this morning."

"Tyler, I don't want to go," I told him, hoping he would show a little understanding.

"I don't give a fuck, I'm actually going to piss myself." Yeah, no understanding there. "Open this door right now," he continued.

I sighed, turning on the shower and quickly hosing off the soap bubbles that had gathered on my skin. Wrapping myself in a red towel, I opened the door only to be shoved out the way by Tyler, who didn't even bother waiting until I was outside to yank down his trousers and proceed to let out a long stream of pee.

"Ugh, Tyler, gross." I muttered turning up my nose.

"I told you I was desperate. Oh, I picked out something cute for you to wear, it's on your bed. Now shoo."

I walked into my bedroom, excited to see what Tyler had picked out for me. To say he had better fashion sense than I would be the understatement of the century.

Soon he was following me into the room.

"Do you like it?" he asked, voice slightly uncertain.

"I wouldn't usually wear this," I said the statement carefully as not to offend him.

"I know. Change is good."

"But isn't that like-" I thought about my wording before continuing. "Doesn't this mean I'm being fake."

"Phil. You're having dinner with Dan Howell. He's basically a celebrity and he's a billionaire. I doubt he's gonna settle for McDonalds. It's not illegal to dress up sometimes," he desperately tried to explain his point.

"But I'm not this kind of person; if I ever see him again-"

"Yeah, that's a different story. If you see him again you won't be in a fancy restaurant," Tyler interrupted.

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