The toad

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Caelen's eyes widened as she took in the room she'd rolled into. She hadn't meant to leave, not really, she knew she wasn't allowed to leave Grimauld place. She'd hoped to pull Harry back, to convince him whatever he thought, whatever Kreacher had told him, wasn't true. Now she lay, stunned, on the floor of a room she couldn't imagine having entered before. The walls were positively covered in kitten adorned plates. The nauseating overabundance of things, many of them grotesquely pink, reminded her horribly of Gina's house. Before she could take in any more of the room she was jerked suddenly up from the floor by the collar of her green and blue pajamas.

Caelen let out a startled whimper as the large toad-like woman shook her, a gleeful smirk rising on her awful face. "Ah ha! So this is who you've been contacting, Potter! You're the halfbreed's spawn aren't you? ARENT YOU?!" She shouted the last, spittle flying into the terrified child's face as she shook her.

"I I I," Caelen stammered in a terrified whisper.

Harry struggled against Draco's hold on him, attempting to reach his godsister, "Leave her alone! She's just some kid I've never seen her before, she's probably lost! It's easy to end up the wrong place in the floo, where were you headed little one?" He directed the last to Caelen his tone softening as he gave her an encouraging, if not pointed look.

Understanding dawned on Caelen's terrified face, he wanted her to lie, to pretend they didn't know one another. "I w-was going to Hog-hogsmead, m-mother let me use the floo on my own this time. Was my f-first time." She murmured avoiding the eyes of the other students. It wouldn't be too hard to recognize her, she'd spent plenty of time wondering around Hogwarts while her father had been teaching. Thankfully for her the Slytherins had always been rather dismissive of the shabbily dressed professor's child.

"Lies!!" The toad woman shouted throwing the girl at her desk, where she landed with a pained thud. "You," she snapped pointing her large sausage like finger at one of the assembled Slytherins, "run and fetch Professor Snape."

The boy rushed from the room grinning maliciously.

Caelen whimpered curling in on herself beside the desk.

"You will tell me the truth, the both of you!" Umbridge taunted in her sickly sweet tone as she knelt menacingly, her wand waving in the young Lupin's face.

"You wished to see me headmistress?" Snape questioned from the doorway looking around indifferently at the struggling students. A muscle twitched nearly imperceptibly in his jaw when his eyes landed on Caelen, still cowering by the desk. "Lost child i assume? I shall return her to the proper authorities," he began offering his hand.

Caelen stood to her feet and was just taking her first step towards the professors offered hand when she was slammed forcefully back, her head connecting with a resounding crack against the desk. Snape's hand twitched and he moved slightly forward his protective instincts warring with his need to appear against Potter.

"Oh no no Snape you misunderstand, that is the story they'd have us believe yes," Umbridge began pacing between Harry and Caelen her wand wandering threateningly between the pair. "No, this little monster is in cahoots with Potter, I suspect she belongs to that halfbreed Lupin."

Caelen's eyes flashed angrily but she remained silent, knowing better than to snap at someone who had shown violence. She rubbed her head gently, her tiny fingers coming away damp and bloody.

"I require another bottle of veritaserum, quick as you can please." She ordered turning her wide grin on Harry and Caelen once more, the focus of her fury for the moment.

"You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter," he responded glaring through his curtains of black hair, "surely you did not use it all? I told you three drops would be sufficient."

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