13 - "Long distance never works."

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Chapter 13 - "Long distance never works."

As I was walking home with Matt, having a heated but good-natured debate about something football-related, my phone dinged with a text message from Kat.

- Just saw Tommy chatting up Kara Ryder. Felt incredibly jealous. Please tell me that it's just cos she's a bitch? 

I let out a surprised laugh at the content of her message.  

"What is it?" Matt asked, his arm darting out to stop me stepping into the road.

A car zoomed past and I lifted my eyes from the screen, concentrating on crossing without causing an accident.

"Kat," I replied. "I'm just going to give her a quick call."

Once we were safely across the road, I dialled her. It had barely rung before she picked up.  

"Are you with Matt?" she asked hurriedly. "Because I don't want to interrupt any sexy time." 

"We're just walking home." 

"Okay, good. What's wrong with me, Izzy?" 

"Nothing. You're just over-thinking everything. You thought Tommy liked you. And then you see him flirting with Kara. It's bound to be a kick in the teeth whether you like him back or not." 

"It's a kick in the teeth alright," she said. "I mean, why her?"

 I scrambled to find a response that was suitably balanced between honesty and sensitivity.

"You're hooking up with other people," I said. "And you said earlier that you only wanted casual. Maybe he's just doing the same."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't care about that so much. But I hate Kara. Everyone hates Kara. Why would he go for Kara?" 

"Well, how do you know they were even flirting? Maybe your mind is making things up and playing tricks on you." 

"She was all over him," Kat stated before letting out a dramatic sigh.  

"She's all over everyone. Have you considered he might have planned it?" 

"Planned what? Planned to get in her pants?" 

"No...planned for you to see him with Kara, to work out where your head's at." 

Kat was silent for a few seconds. "Do you think that's what he's doing?" 

"I don't know. Maybe." 

"Hmm..." she said in thought.  

Matt and I rounded the corner of his street, and he began to fish through his bag for his house keys.

"Does it put your mind at ease?" 

"Well, how do we even know he's doing that?" Kat replied.  

"We don't. But you're probably not going to know either way unless you talk to him." 

"Yeah. You're probably right. Thank you, Izzy. And if you ever want advice on anything then you know where I am!" 

"Thanks, Kat." 

"I mean it. No matter how sexual, I'm not a prude." 

I rolled my eyes. "I'll bear that in mind. I have to go now. We're almost at Matt's." 

"I love you!" 

"Love you too," I said. 

After hitting the End Call button, I put the phone on silent, shoving it into the depths of my bag.  

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