Treasure Island

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Chapter 2 - Treasure Island

Rain fell that night, a fine, whispering rain, dripping softly in the lake. Sometimes I can still hear the rhythm of the water. The drips of the rain we were in that night. When he had his arms wrapped around me. With his lips pressed against mine. Oh, how that was the best feeling I've ever felt in my life.
The sun peeked out of the clouds like a baby chick cracking out of its own shell. A beautiful scenery. That was when I cracked myself. I broke down. I fell in love, and literally fell.
"Hey, Kristen! What are you doing!"
"You are going to die!!"
"Look at me! Don't go any closer to the edge!"
Those were the last things I heard before I hit bottom.
Next thing I know, a boy was carrying me out of the water, giving me CPR.
"Please be alive!"
As I opened my eyes, I thought I was in heaven.
My eyes have never laid upon such a beautiful thing.
That was the zing. That was when I decided that he was going to be my last first kiss, my love, and he would be mine.
"Where am I?"
"You are at Treasure Island."
I got up confused of where I was. How did I get here?
"Oww! Oooh..."
Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I looked down at my leg and noticed it was swollen.
"Oh my god!! Ahh... Help!"
When the boy noticed my leg, he bent down right beside me.
"Ouch! It looks like you broke your leg there."
He placed his hand on my cheek as he looked into my eyes.
"You're going to be okay."
"Oh-okay." I said as I nodded.
He took his hand away from my cheek and placed it by my leg.
"I'll get some people over here to bring you to the hospital right away. Okay? What's your name?"
I smiled as I wiped my tears away.
"My names Kristen Olson."
The boy smiled.
"What a beautiful name."
I think I might've blushed.
The boy was walking away while he was on the phone with 911.
He turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, the names Lucas. Lucas Moore."
He walked away and it was five minutes until the ambulance had arrived.
"Sweetheart, can you please tell us what happened? Do you remember anything?"
I nodded.
"Yeah. I was at - uhh, Treasure Island with some of my friends and, um, I saw someone or something and I got distracted and sorta fell off the cliff. Or did I get pushed? I don't know."
"Okay. Okay. That's good. Now can you tell me what you saw?"
I remained quiet for a moment.
"I saw a boy..."
"Okay, and how you got out. Did you swim back to shore or did someone take you out if the water?"
"Lucas..." I whispered.
The EMT looked up at me, confused.
"Uh, what was that?"
"Oh, um, someone took me out."
The girl smiled.
"Good. Now could you describe what the person looked like? Was the person a male or female? Short? Tall?"
I had a quick flashback to when I opened my eyes to see him.
"He was tall, blue eyes, with brown hair. Everything I was looking for."
My eyes widened.
"Oh crap! Did I just say that out loud?"
My cheeks flushed red of embarrassment.
"Ha. Yes you did, but that's okay."
The EMT scribbled something's down while she asked me, "Do you know the man?"
"I don't think so but I got his name."
I paused for a moment.
"His name was Lucas Moore. He looked like he was maybe 15 or 16."
The girl looked at me, shocked.
"Lucas..." She murmured.
"Um, yeah. What about him?"
"Well a Lucas Moore drowned at Treasure Island just about a month ago. He was underwater for nobody knows how long. But it couldn't be the same one. Could it?"
When we arrived to the hospital, I was carried into the Emergency Room right away.
I laid back and watched TV for a bit while I noticed something on the news.
'BREAKING NEWS. 16 year old, Lucas Moore, who had "drowned" last month, had saved a girls life!' was the headline.
The news reporter was talking about how Lucas had saved my life. She was also reporting that he could breathe when he was underwater and didn't actually drown.
I gasped.
A nurse opened up my door.
"Is everything alright? You look worried."
"Yeah. Everything's okay."
I thought about when Lucas had saved my life. I started to wonder, who was he?

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