Chapter 11 - "You're A Virgin!"

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Anders Larzelere's PoV:

Chapter 11 - "You're A Virgin!"

"W-What?!" I almost yell, my eyes wide.

"We're engaged, remember? We're supposed to sleep together. People will be weird of we don't." Alarice shrugs indifferently, looking at me as if I'm a kid who can't learn his Alphabets.

"B-But—" I stammer, trying to explain.

"C'mon, Anders! It's such a huge bed! Even our pinkies won't touch, I swear!" She makes a wide arc with her hand, exasperated. "You can't tell me you've never slept with a girl! I know humans do a lot of that before marriage." Alarice rolls her eyes, placing her hands on her hips.

I blush like a switch flipped on, my heartbeat flying out of control, as embarrassment takes permanent residence on my face.

"Um, I-I—Actually—It's—"

"No way." Alarice's eyes bug out of their sockets, as her hands drop from her hips, and mouth falls open in shock.


"Oh my Goddess! You're a virgin!" She suddenly proclaims, making my cheeks heat up even more. I look away, crossing my arms across my chest, forcing my cheeks to cool down.

Suddenly, Alarice bursts out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha—" She throws her head back, laughing like a maniac, but there's a hint of hysteria in it, almost as if she's covering something else with her musical laughter.

Which is doing a good job of distracting me.

Only you, Anders. Only you will see so much into the tiniest of things.

"Um." I bite the inside of my cheek, completely mortified, as she laughs her heart out.

"Y-You're a v-virgin!" She exclaims in-between laughter, but this time, there is an unmistakable hint of relief to it. Even, I can't convince myself that it's in my head. It's just so obvious.

I turn to her with a frown, observing her laughing face, the blush coating my cheeks long forgotten.

She falls quiet gradually, looking down as she chuckles occasionally. But I can still see her lips moving, muttering something under her breath. I survey them carefully, and understand after a moment that she's actually repeating those three words.

You're a virgin.

"You seem almost happy about that." I blurt out, and slap a palm over my mouth, realizing that I actually said it out loud.

She turns to me with a frown of her own. "Of course, I am." She agrees, as if the answer should've been obvious.

"You are?!" I exclaim, furrowing my brows together.

I thought she was making fun of me...

"What?! No! I was not making fun of you! I'm so sorry if I gave you the wrong idea!" She exclaims back with wide eyes, shaking her head in rapid succession as she raises her hands in defense.

My frown deepens.

She wasn't?

"No." Alarice negates firmly, walking forward.

And I now know that she's answering the questions in my head, because I might've mumbled something.

I'm used to her sharp ears by now.

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