» universes

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην rhodes_

   We sat on the hillside and watched the students go from one end of the school to the other. Luckily, it was our block off from visiting Hell.

   "You know what I've noticed?" She muttered.


   "I tend to create adventures for myself. As if my mind knows that I am not living at the moment, so it creates these tiny universes in my mind. These what-ifs and perhaps so that I will exist in this world somehow."

   "Love, you're not existing in this world if you are living in another one. Even if it is one you made up, your soul is still there. You are merely bearing witness."

   "I am merely bearing witness."

   "What's unfortunate is that every single person in this entire universe is merely bearing witness. We're just wandering from one end of the world to the next, not really taking in the present moment. Our minds are clouded by what-ifs and perhaps so much that we lose our touch with the now. It's a poison to humanity."  

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