Just, Don't Be A Bitch, Rameere.

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Awaking to the sudden harsh alarm of your space pod wasn't the greatest way to rouse. Rameere's eyes shot open, and momentarily, she was disoriented, unaware of what was going on about her. Suddenly, the blurred and brumous state of her mind was pierced by the clear blade of the attribute of being percipient, and she lifted a hand, jabbing at the keyboard,

"Disengage alarm, prepare to land upon Earth, deploy landing sequence." She ordered to her ship, relieved to have shut the system up,

"Order confirmed. Operation to land on Planet Earth commenced." She huffed at the flat, monotonic speak of her ship, the only thing she had as a placement for company.

Out of the window of her pod, the distinct spherical shape of Earth materialized into view, the orb alit with blue and green against the dark black background of space. She shifted lightly in her seat, anxious, yet eager to land upon Earth. Rameere was nervous about the inhabitants, she knew not if they posed a threat to her, or if she one to them.

"It's about time." She spoke in irritation for having been consumed by the dark for so long, sitting back as the pod lurched forward, flying through Earth's illuminative atmosphere. She hunched her head down into her shoulders, bracing for impact. She glimpsed ground out of the glass, and saw just how quickly she was approaching. She immediately turned her head, clinching her eyes shut.

The impact was not as bad as she was to have expected it, once she hit, she more or so slid within the dirt, but she came in from landing so heavily, the ground surrounding her exploded at contact.

Rameere, eager to finally get out, punched at the keys to unseal the airtight clasp of her iron door. With a rush of air flooding in, Rae stepped out, fingers grappling for a hold against the steel of her ship, being in flight for so long made her totter somewhat on her feet.

With both heels planted firmly within the dirt of the Earth, she extended her hands to the sky, her ever so cranky spine sending stray pops and cracks flying from her back. Her tail stiffened out behind her in its own tight stretch, and she inhaled heavily, the fresh air flooding throughout her nasal cavity. Her ebony tail lashed out behind her, content to be free, her umber locks cascading against her forehead,

"Damn! Being in space for two months. . really. . gets. . to you. ." Rameere's words faltered, trailing off as she turned, noticing the sudden presence of the males. Her body immediately tensed, tail sweeping her calves as she studied them. All males. Three full grown, a boy, a midget, and a Namek.

The largest male was most masculine, clearly virile, powerful energy. His attire consisted of an orange gi, complimented with a blue undershirt, wristbands, belt, and somewhat upon the boots, more or so navy. The dark black of his hair flayed in multiple directions, cascading with the wind. The bald midget wore the same type of orange gi, despite the undershirt, and his shoes were composed of different material.

The Namek and the boy also tended to follow suite in clothing style. White cape that stretched at the shoulders, violet textile, orange wicker shoes. The Namekian gave her one hell of a glare at that.

At next notice, the second biggest male had lavender hair, bowl cut. The violet jacket was cut to clearly exploit his midriff, a logo imprinted upon the left shoulder. The static cerulean of his irises was almost terrifying, his leer even worse, complimenting the dark colors of his black tank and grey pants, despite the citrine in his shoes.

The smallest male was what snagged her attention. He wore traditional Saiyan armor, and, that dark hair,

"Prince?" She spoke gently, inaudibly to herself.

At almost instant notice, the Namek's ears shot forward, and his head turned in, what she perceived to be the Prince's, direction,

"Vegeta, do you know her?" The deep, bass tone of his voice conducted straight to Vegeta, and the Prince actually looked as if he was considering me, trying to remember,

"Hell no." Insane how he fooled everyone with his false statements. Even I could tell he was lying, straight through the white of his teeth. I wasn't going to take this from him. Being cooped up in a pod for so long in space, and, to top that off, I was starving. My knees bent innately under me, and I shot through the air, towards the one who disclaimed ever knowing me.

The prodigious and titanic male, the biggest of them, had no say in this at all, but found he could interject. He hooked his left arm in a lock around my neck, and his right solidly around my lower waist, pulling me directly into him. Incapable of producing any useful result, I struggled furiously in his hold, only for him to shift his grip, forcing me into him.

The prominence of his forearm muscle vexed beneath my pipe intersected with airway, his breath torrid, calefacient against my neck, making the hair upon it stand on end,

"She's a feisty one." He chuckled in a sensual manner, thin lips pulling back to reveal a devious smirk.

The Namekian slid his way behind us, unaware I was when he grabbed my tail, lifting

it slightly,

"Nice work, Goku. She's Saiyan," He confirmed, slim, viridian fingers tightening their hold around my muscle control, instantaneously making me go limp, making the so called one holding me, 'Goku', not have to struggle, "Vegeta, are you sure you don't know her?"

Being as thin on temperament as Vegeta was, of course he'd snap,

"What, just because she's Saiyan automatically makes it that we know each other?! No! I don't know the damned female!" The black of his irises defiled, marred and clouded with his anger.

The Namekian lets my tail loose, rejoicing it was, cherishing in its independence it never so thought it would receive, and he walks back over to stand by the boy.

Goku adjusted his placement, pulling me in in a more constrained manner at the waist,

"So, what's your name, Saiyaness?" His arousing speak questioned my approval of it, and he looked me straight in the eyes, his own innocent and vindicate.

As seducing as it was, I pulled back from his close impart, a gentle snarl razing my upper lip,

"That is none of your business." I spoke, a ridiculed pitch to my tone, and that was when the lavender haired male decided to chime in,

"You're right, Goku, she is snappy." I glare over to the one who thought he had the nerve and boldness to back talk me,

"Don't you dare talk to me with a damned haircut like that." She commanded, baring her fangs at this impudent one, who only found it amusing to anger her, shoving his hands into his pockets. And that's when Vegeta found it funny to intrude after that, deriding another harsh remark,

"Oh, and the bitch snaps." I turn, leering him down with a vicious expression of hate written insipidly across my face,

"Don't try me." It took my all not to go ballistic. I couldn't believe him, he never would have treated me like this.

"Oh! Did you hear that?! She said to-!" Vegeta was sharply cut off by Goku's attempt of trying to reduce my anger,

"Hey now, settle down." He chuckled again, in the same manner, resting his chin stop my forehead, when he spoke, his vocalization vibrated, sending the resonating feeling along through my body,

"Vegeta, she said not to try her, now can't you go and respect that?" Goku shifted his hold on me, his fingers lightly tightening around my side,

"Now," He spoke gently, chin back on my shoulder, looking at me, "What did you say your name was again?"

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