3 | Competitors

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3 | Competitors
And I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior, there's an actual human soul.

Chase has disappeared. As I glance around, he is nowhere to be seen. I don't know why I even care, but I do. He's an alpha male, so that must mean that he's also a competitor. Maybe he went to catch up with all of the other tributes.

The thought of fighting him again makes my body writhe with a strange sensation. I can't tell whether it's rage or excitement, except this time I know that I will beat him. I would not allow myself to die at his hands.

I had since been directed away from the castle, and down flights of stairs to the cold dungeons beneath the grand building. Icy water drops slide along the walls, an eerie dripping noise reverberating throughout the chasm.

"This way." The guard orders me as he opens the door to a cell, except this is no ordinary cell. The ceiling scales meters in the air, the cobblestone walls lit by single flame torches at random interval. Above my head, an ancient chandelier hangs from the ceiling, cobwebs coating the non-existent candle and wiry metal frame.

But the main attraction of the room was the huge table in the middle. A variety of different meals are scattered onto the oak, and other werewolves sit around it, voices filling the otherwise stagnant air. All except five were male, and there were at least forty in the room. I'm surprised that they can all sit in here.

As soon as the metal clanks open, everyone is silent. A thousand eyes peer at me from different angles, melting into my soul.

They must know who I am, otherwise they wouldn't be staring at me the way they are.

I straighten my clothes and pick up a plate from a side table. It was clear that these were the people I would be competing against, and looking at my competition, I stood little chance. As the Alpha King had warned, they were all Alpha's, muscles bulging, each trying to dominate one another.

The guard has since left me to the wrath of the other competitors. It's not like I enjoyed having a guard, but at least he made me feel slightly safer than I did now.

But hey, I could make some friends.

I glance at the table and thousands of pair of eyes staring at me as if I was some goddess. I am pleased to find that the other end of the antique counter is deserted.

"Welcome to the party, Rogue!" One shouted, causing the rest to chuckle. I feel my rage begin to grow into a tight ball of fury, but I won't release it. Not yet. I would save that for when we were all competing.

They continue to peer after me as I saunter to the other end of the narrow room. "Quit staring." I utter confidently as I feel their gazes begin to drop. "It's rude."

I take a seat and help myself to a portion of chicken from a dish in front of me. It was strange having everything here in front of me: as a rogue, I had relied on hunting to keep me alive.

After taking my food, I look up again and see Chase at the head of the table. So that's where he disappeared to. His head was leant forward on his fist, single elbow propped up on the table in a powerful pose. His eyes infiltrated my own, and I felt as though he was trying to burn a hole in my skin.

Abruptly, plates clatter as two people come to sit opposite me, diverting my gaze from the mysterious Alpha who had previously held a knife to my neck.

One was male, and the other was (thankfully) female. The man looked around nineteen with a mop of brown tresses, and beautiful eyes that I could gaze into all day. Not that I would, but they looked more as though they belonged on a woman rather than a fully grown man. His face wasn't as stern as Chase's, but softer and the boy sat before me actually looked genuinely kind.

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