We Take Suggestions!

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We would love to have your suggestions for fics we can add to our fav list. We review them meticulously and only rec the best.

Submit suggestions via DM, including TITLE, AUTHOR, and PLATFORM (Aattpad, tumblr, AO3). Submission does not guarantee a recommendation.

We are looking for fics with intriguing plots, well-developed characters, and adept use of language. Must be well edited.

We take suggestions for 1d fics of any length, regardless of popularity/existing readership, and without prejudice. (All ships welcome)

So drop us a line if you think there's a great fic out there we've missed! If it fits our criteria, we'll promo it on our Twitter page @best1dfic

So drop us a line if you think there's a great fic out there we've missed! If it fits our criteria, we'll promo it on our Twitter page @best1dfic

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