27: Until I Met You

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Chapter 27

My adrenaline had suddenly spiked and I was running, running as fast as my feet would take me. My athletic inability and dwindling air were albeit slowing me down but, my mind was focused solely on getting the farthest I possibly could away from the Ferris wheel and Cason.

Fairgoers probably thought I was being chased, or was just plain crazy, as I dodged in and out of them as I kept going.

As I took a short cut through the back of one of the games, I realized I was going too fast to slow down as I approached an elderly couple strolling down a path in their wheelchairs. Instead of full on colliding with them, I tried my best to turn my body to the side and miss them however; I seemed to fail as I nicked the side of the woman’s chair.

I glanced over my shoulder with wide eyes as I saw the chair spin around completely before slowing. “Sorry!” I shouted in apology, turning around to avoid the angry stares as I kept going.

Not focusing on where I was going, I somehow found myself slowing down and turning towards the area where the dance had been set up. I knew that Olivia wanted to spend a lot of time there tonight when her and Evan weren’t enjoying the thrill of the rides so, that’s where I decided to check first.

As I approached the dance, I saw that it had been set up with a romantic country theme. There were strings of twinkly lights strung from the surrounding trees, bails of hay around the dance floor to sit and relax, as well as a music booth that was blasting the latest number one hit.

Spotting my friends on the dance floor, I smiled at the scene as I saw the couple slow dancing as Evan whispered something in her ear. I really didn’t want to interrupt and ruin their night but, I needed to get out of here and Evan was the only other person I knew here that had a car to get me home.

I waited until the song ended and the dance floor started to clear out as a more upbeat song came on to try and get their attention. Catching Evan’s eye as he led Olivia off of the dance floor, he acknowledged me with a smile as he made his way over.

“Hey, how’s your night going?” he asked as he stopped in front of me, throwing his arm over Olivia’s shoulder affectionately.

“Fine.” I replied sharply before sighing and running a hand down my face stressfully. “Sorry, I just need a ride home, like now.”

The pair in front of me looked shocked as they glanced at each other, communicating wordlessly with their eyes.

“Umm… sure.” Evan said sceptically but, agreeing nonetheless as he reached into his pockets and grabbed his car keys.

“Wait, what’s wrong?” Olivia asked frantically, putting her hands on my shoulders. “What happened Jessalyn?”

I shook my head, refusing to think about what happened just minutes before. Ignoring Olivia’s pleas for information, I simply looked back to Evan who seemed to be texting somebody on his phone and, that person was probably Cason. “Are you ready to go?” I asked impatiently, getting jittery at the thought of Cason finding me after the little scene at the Ferris wheel.

Until I Met YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя