Chapter one. HER SIDE

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My legs were shaking as I wait in the house. My heart was beating 100km/h waiting upon his arrival. Then I heard the lock of the front door being unlocked and the creak of the door indicating He was here. He walked in and saw me in the sitting room. He glances at me and it wasn't a glance of love but more like he didn't want to deal with me.

"Hey babe!" I say smiling but he just nods his head and sits down releasing a big sigh.

"So how was the tour?" Again he nods. I bite my lip. It's time

"Babe there is something I need to tell you" he looks at me with no care. Here goes nothing

"I think we should break up..." I expected him to get up and probably protest or even say why but he just sat there. I continued.

"I'm really happy that you've gotten where you've always wanted and dreamed of being but I just don't think you have time for this relationship or for me. I'll always be there to support you, but for this relationship to work we need time for each other and right now that's not happening." There was silence as I looked at him and he looked at the floor.

"So..I guess this is goodbye?" He says more as a question with no sincerity.

"I guess so" I look down hurt, even though I'm the one breaking it off and even though I expected This reaction I was hoping not to see it.

He nods his head, gets up and looks at me one last time but there was no feeling no nothing when we made eye contact. He proceeded to walk to the back room. I sat there holding back the tears. He doesn't love me.

I take a deep breath in, got up and walked over to my suitcases dragging them towards the front door. I took one more glance back at the direction he was. Goodbye Dean.

And with that I left.

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