Part 9

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  As Zero was sleeping, Kaname was worrying about when Zero was going to have their children. After all anything could go wrong, but he wouldn't let his mind go that far. As he was thinking, he heard Zero groan in his sleep. This immediately worried Kaname and so he went to go and check on his lover.
As he went into the room, the first thing he recognized was that Zero had sweat all over his forehead. He went beside his lover and touched his stomach, only to be met by a kick. He smiled at this, but the kick woke up Zero.
"What is it love?"
"I feel pressure"
This immediately got Kaname worried. "How bad is it?" "Not that bad but it kind of hurts"
"Ok Zero, don't get worried but I think your going into labor"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Zero had hit the 5 hour mark and he was just about to kill Kaname.
"This hurts so bloody fucking much, and I blame you for all of this"he then glared at Kaname.
"I know babe, I love you too".
Kaname knew better than to respond with a sarcastic come back, so that's all he had thought of to say.
All of a sudden Zero groaned more harshly then he had before.
"I think it's time to call Aido"
"Good thinking"

~~Time Skip to when Aido is there~~
"Ok Zero-sama you have to try and push now"
"Ok", he then grabbed Kaname's hand tightly and pushed
" agh! I fucking hate you so much Kaname! Why the fuck did you do this to me!"
"I love you too Zero"
" I swear I'm going to casarate you once this is all over!"

Zero POV
    " I'm never letting your dick near me ever again!" I screamed/growled at Kaname
    I can't believe that this bastard got me pregnant with 4 children. Especially on our first god damn try!
   Damn the cursed pureblood and his dick for even putting 4 babies inside of me!
   " I'm going to kill you!"
   " of course my love"

All of a sudden a cry broke the air.
"It's a boy!"
   Zero smiled wearily at hearing his first child's cry.
   The child got put into Kaname's arms while the next baby was working its way down into Zero's 'birth canal' of sorts.
   " Hey there little one" Kaname said smiling at his firstborn.
     All Zero could do was smile, because of his exhaustion already taking its toll on him.
Zero started to feel the pain of another baby head starting to crown.
    " Alright, baby 2 wants outs" said Aido
Kaname layed the baby down in the bassinet next to the bed.
  Kaname held onto Zero's hand as his love crushed his hand.
    Zero was pushing with all his might trying to get this second child out. All he wanted to do was rest.
   The second child's cry broke the air as Aido finally delivered it. " Its a girl!"
This time Zero held her with the help of Kaname.
" Aren't you just beautiful little one"
Zero started to feel pressure again, he handed the baby to her father to be placed with her older brother.
Zero started to push again but Aido stopped him.
" You need to pace yourself Zero- sama or you might tear"
All Zero could do as a response was nod his head to indicate that he understood.
He growled trying to pace himself and let Kaname know this was all his fault.
" I never want to get pregnant again!"
Kaname just bared threw all the cursing looking forward to meeting the next little baby.
" It's a girl!" Aido said smiling.
Zero fell back onto Kaname's chest. He was so worn out with already having to deliver 3 babies. He was just glad he was almost done.
Before he could even look at his second daughter, his next baby was already trying to be delivered.
Aido applied pressure to Zero's abdomen to try and help the process, seeing as Zero was purely exhausted. Kaname held onto his mate mumbling encouraging things into his ear.
With one final push, Zero collapsed and Aido held up the last baby, a boy.
Zero held the little boy while Kaname got the other babies out of their bassinet. Zero held their first born son along with their youngest son. While Kanamd held the second born girl and the third born girl.

~~~~ Time Skip After Everything Got Cleaned & Stuff ~~~~

Kaname was smiling as a proud father should be. As he was watching his children sleep, his mate was also sound asleep due to exhaustion. His life was now complete.

Authors note: Hope you liked this new chapter! Also I'm sorry I procrastinated to do this chapter I just wasn't really sure how to do this chapter. Comment and tell me if your guys want an epilogue or not. Hope you liked it! I might see you later! 😁

Kaname x Zero MpregOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora