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The sun rose high and brought a new morning, a new day for everyone. As they woke up from their deep slumber and walked down after getting freshened up, they were unaware of the surprise that had been waiting for them or may be especially for Nandini.
The first one came as soon as they hit the stairs, only to find the entire living hall covered with bouquets of different species of flowers, from sunflowers to daffodils and tulips.

Aryaman and Nandini too got down after their morning routines as they wished everyone a good morning but were confused watching the others having astonished faces. As they moved their gazes to the spot where the others had it fixed, they came face to face with the beautiful bouquets spread around their house while even more were being brought in by the servant. Dhruv was stunned to even believe the the house could hold anymore but couldn't voice out his opinons since the others were way too into the moment to even answer that.
Even though it was new to some, it wasn't anything clearly dumbfounding to the duo that had been living here since the past two years. Aryaman had a sublt and calmed expression on his face as if it was a normal scenario as he asked the main man , " Uncle who got these?"

" No idea sir somebody kept it outside." the man gave a wierd reply. Nobody even knew how these got past the security.
" not again." Nandini rolled her eyes as she made her way to one of the vases kept on the table.
"what happenend?" asked alya.
"Must be the fans . Uncle now don't bring them inside or our house would become a flower shop." she replied looking throughbthe flowers for a note.
" your fans love you so much, that's so sweet." said Dhruv with a smile on his face. he adored how people have accepted her.
"I guess it is but sometimes this love gets too much." replies Nandini as she dismissed anymore vases to be brought in.
"It's because they love you a lot . You should accept their flowers." Manik said taking one of the vase from the servat tat was about to be put out.
"Yeah right so if you want you can keep them. If you have soo much sympathy for them." Nandini walked past him, least interested in anothe rone of his lectures on sympathy and empathy.
" Okay let it be lets go for breakfast." suggested Aryaman as he made his way to the table where Nandini had already gotten herself seated
" i am starving and Uncle coffee please." she requested as the man rushed in to get her the morning requiements.

Before they could get back to their normal routine, they heard the door bell ring halting everyone at their place.
" who could this be? So early in the morning." Nandini asked in a grumpy voice.
"Can someone check upon the door." aryaman ordered as one of the servant obliged and found a new bouquet upon the entrace with a card inside it.
" who is it?" asked Aryaman.
" sir it's a bouquet with a card" the boy replied as he brought the flowers inside.
" God not again . Enough is enough." Nandini got up in an instant getting annoyed more than before now. It was morning you all.
" it's soo cool. Your fans love you soo much." Mukti was loving this entire vibe of freshness early in the morning, clearly opposite how she would normally react, maybe the liquor from previous night still hitting her.
" now let me read what's written upon the card." before Nandini could get it, Alya snatched the slip from the servant's hand but Nandini stopped her.
"Don't" she said.
" yes even we should know how much your fans love you or i am the only one who is madly behind you." Joked Manik as he grabbed the slip from Alya.
"Give that back." Nandini ordered him until ALya took it back and said blocking everyone view, 
" guys let me read it. So it says-
'Nanz i must say yesterday you were looking breathtaking in that dress of yours but for me you'll always be my adorbie. And your voice a sweet melody for my ears. Waiting for your next song. Yours Mr. Stalker"

" Mr Stalker that's new. Who could  this be?" Nandini was confused now. This wasn't a normal fan mail.
"How would i know?" Manik raised his arms in defeat as Nandini looked through the flowers for another clue.
" wait let me check the others." she checked each bouquet and their letters. Each one of the letters contained description about her from the last 15 days. Someone in close perimeter yet int the shadows.
" He is actually stalking me." Nandini threw away the last slip in complete bewilderment.
" but in between so much security. Its difficult." Aryaman too wasn't able to figure out how was it even possible.
" people are- could be mad behind you." cabbir tried to make sense of the situation as Manik whispered behind him making his best friend giggle , "not more than me. And even if he is, he should be ready to get all his bones broken."

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