Chapter Ten

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Catty: Okay, everyone. This is the final chapter of "I Know You Don't Remember Me." The second book in the Scattered series will feature Natasha Romanov, so keep your eyes open for "It's Not Called K-Pop, You Mewling Quim."


"Hello, Stark," the redhead, Natasha, greeted him as he entered the room. A few other members were already present and waiting, "You're late."

"Tony Stark is never late," he informed, "Everyone else is just early."

"Unless you've suddenly become the Queen of England," Natasha replied, quirking the corner of her lip up, slightly, "I don't believe that works for you."

"Eh, same difference," Tony shrugged, "I could totally be the Queen, if I wanted to."

"I find that statement offensive, Stark," Steve showed up out of nowhere.

"Aren't you supposed to be America's cheerleader?" Tony demanded, "Get off my back, Old Man."


Tony blinked away dust, not quite sure what exactly happened, "Wha..?"

"Tony!" Natasha was the first face he saw, staring back at him, in panic. He forced a smile at her, his instinct against care and concern, but the pain throbbing in his chest stopped that action rather quickly. He could feel himself slipping from reality.

"Widow?" he croaked, vision blurring. Breathing was beginning to get a bit hard.

"Stark!" the Captain was annoyingly in his face, all of a sudden, "Hey! Stay with us!"

Tony closed his eyes, not sure if he wanted to open them, again...


Tony sat up in his bed with a gasp, clutching his chest in alarm. It was just a dream... One he'd never had before.

Climbing out of bed, Tony tried to step out of bed, but tripped over the edge, falling on the floor, face-first.

"JARVIS!" He yelled, "Lights!"

"Yes, Sir," JARVIS replied, the lights switching on. Tony had just picked himself up off the floor when the door swung open, an alarmed and confused Steve standing in the doorway. Since the incident with Amora, Steve had moved into Stark Tower, both agreeing it would be more practical and, quite frankly, safer to do so. Loki had been given a room kept under constant watch, just incase, but he'd rewired the cameras to play bad Norwegan movies twenty-four seven within three days.

"Tony?" he demanded, finding the man on the ground, smiling at him, "What?"

"Steve," Tony laughed, clapping his hands together, "We need to spend some time looking into Natasha Romanov."


Catty: I hoped you enjoyed this story. I'd love to see you all in the next installment! Thanks a bunch for all your reviews and votes!

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